🌹Oneshot: Night Away From Camp

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This one shot is based on a Smiths song: There is a light and it never goes out. The Smiths lead singer is a bad man but this isn't giving him money and I bet he's not on WattPad so I'm gonna write it. And I don't support him at all.
Basically Nico can't really go back to the underworld so Will takes him out for a drive. You could say there's some angst because of Hades but really it's fluff. Oh and Will can drive and you can use phones in camp!

(They're dating)

Nico's P.O.V:

Nico was sitting on the grass outside of Camp Half-Bloods magic shield. He was shivering slightly from the cold air.

"Nico?" A voice whispers from behind him.

Before he can turn around he feels a light weight on his shoulders. It was his boyfriend's sweatshirt, draped around him. Will sits down next to Nico and cocks his head cutely.

"What's wrong darling?" Will asks.

"M-my dad. We had another fight, I can't really go back to the underworld if I wanted to." Nico sighs shakily.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Will says, taking Nico's cold hands in his.

Will's hands were soft and warm. At his boyfriend's touch Nico lets out a sigh of relief.

"I just don't know why I wouldn't be able to go there..." Nico sighs, as Will drops his head onto Nico's shoulder.

"I know, I mean maybe I don't know. But I want to." Will whispers, squeezing Nico's hands.

"Thank you." Nico whispers back.

The two boys sit there for a few minutes, wrapped up in each other before Will gets up suddenly.

"Come on, I think I know what we should do." Will grins.

"What?" Nico asks, shaking himself.

"I have my car here, I'm bring you on a drive." Will says, pulling Nico up from the grass.

"Okay...?" Nico mumbles, following Will out of the magic shield with his sword in hand.

"What about Chiron?" Nico asks.

"He won't mind, we'll be quick. We're demigods aren't we." Will says.

"I'll text him in the car." Will continues, pulling Nico to his funny looking yellow Volkswagen van.

"Your car really does match your personality," Nico laughs, opening the passenger seat door and getting in.

"I know, it's pretty perfect." Will grins, tapping the dashboard.

"How close is where we're going?" Nico asks.

"Close, we're just driving. So it can be as short or as long you want." Will shrugs.

Nico nods, and starts to rummage through Will's gloves box looking for a CD. He feels the frame of a photo and pulls it out curiously. Framed in the picture was Will and Nico. Nico remembered when they took this, close to when they'd started dating.

In the photo Will's hands were wrapped around Nico's waist and the black haired boy was grinning up at Will.

Next to Nico Will sends his text and sets down his phone, turning to Nico.

"Oh yeah, I keep that with me wherever I drive. I don't ever wanna be apart from you." Will says, scooping up one of Nico's hands and kissing it gently.

"You're so cheesy." Nico laughs, his cheeks flushing.

Will laughs and starts the car, pulling out onto the dirt road. Nico sets the photo back in the glove compartment and continues to search for CD's.

He finds a Billy Joel and Beatles CD and grins, sliding it into the CD player and pressing play.

"Did you find the good songs?" Will asks, glancing away from the dark road to Nico.

"Yeah, Billy Joel and the Beatles." Nico responds.

"Great, I hoped you'd find those. My mom gave me Joel's and I got the Beatles." Will says, with a wistful smile.

Nico knew he wished he saw his mom more. Knowing how much Will loved Naomi made Will miss his mom even more. His life always felt empty without Bianca and Maria. But Will had slowly filled that whole. He still missed them though, he would never stop missing them. He still cried himself to sleep sometimes.

"How 'bout we stop here for a second?" Will says, pulling up the car to an empty field.

"Fine with me," Nico shrugs, pausing the music in the middle of  'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'.

Will puts the car in park and opens his door. Nico does the same, the cold air quickly causing goose bumps to run up his arms. The blond pushes himself up on the hood of his van and gestures for Nico to join him.

Outside it was dark and cold. Will's yellow Volkswagen shone eerily in the cool light. Nico climbs up onto the Van, struggling slightly.

"Do you wanna talk about anything? I'll listen." Will questions.

Nico pulls his knees to his chest and stares out into the empty field.

"No, no thanks." Nico mumbles, shuffling closer to his boyfriend.

Will nods, and wraps his arm around Nico, pulling him close. Nico rests his head on the blonds shoulder and closes his eyes.

A cold breeze blows over the boys causing a shiver to creep across Nico's skin. In the distance a crow lets out a shrill cry. Nico feels Will press a soft kiss on the top of his head and a soft smile spreads onto his face.

Okay, that was so short and didn't really have a plot... so I'm sorry about that, but I hope you enjoyed and leave any recommendations in the comments. Thank you all for the reads, I appreciate it deeply!! ❤️❤️

925 words

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