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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally/

(With the Minister)

The minister and his team followed the castle's directions to the portrait room. It was near the Great Hall, behind one of the statues. The password was Education. They entered and were surprised. The portraits were of every headmaster/headmistress that Hogwarts ever had. They all appeared to be sleeping.

All you need to do is say their name and they will awaken. Hogwarts told them.

"Salazar Slytherin." Fudge said.

"Well it is about time." The man said from his frame.

The man looked different from his pictures in history books. Well not different but younger. His eyes were gray and held a lot of wisdom. His hair was black and tied into a bun behind him. His beard was neatly trimmed.

"This is the first time anyone has heard about the portrait room." Fudge explained.

"What year is it?" He asked.

"It is 1996, sir." He answered.

"So long. Last time I talked to someone was in 1940." He said.

"We need your help." The minister quickly explained.

"I see." He scowled. "I will gladly help you. Poor Esmeralda." He shook his head.

"Esmeralda?" They all looked confused.

"The basilisk. She was my familiar. Tom Riddle was supposed to get her out to a preserve but never got the chance." He sighed.

"I am sorry." Fudge felt for him.

"Thank you." He said.

His portrait was removed and he led them to the chamber. Salazar was surprised to find that it was now the girl's bathroom and wondered who had done that. He figured it was probably a female descendant. He created stairs and they were on their way. Many were shocked by the skin that was left behind.

Not only was it large but it was still well preserved. Salazar explained the charms he placed on the chamber. They were very advanced preservation charms. Soon they were face to face with the largest basilisk body anyone had ever seen.

"A twelve year old killed that?!" One auror choked in shock.

"Wait, the one that took Esmeralda down was twelve?!" Now Salazar was shocked.9

"Yes." Fudge confirmed. "From what I recently learned he used Gryffindor's sword to stab her through her mouth. Her fang lodged in his arm. He is only alive thanks to a phoenix."

"And you said it was my heir that released her?" He asked.

"That was what we were told. A horcrux at least. This was told to us by Albus Dumbledore and two others. They have proven to be unreliable." He said.

"Poor Potter." An auror said.

"Indeed. Any more areas that require parseltongue?" Fudge asked Salazar.

"No but there should be a few journals and books written in it." He answered.

"Any traps?" He asked.

"No. At least not that I am aware of." He said.

"Alright. Spread out but be cautious." He ordered.

"Yes, minister."

The team explored. They took everything. Since they all belonged to Slytherin and there was an active family member they had to hand them over to the bank. The basilisk was taken apart and now waited for Potter. It was his by right of conquest. Now what did fascinate them was the fact that they found eggs.

These were not just any eggs but basilisk eggs. They quickly took them to a preserve. That made Salazar happy. His portrait was returned to the portrait room and he went back to sleep.

Fudge returned to his office and began filling out paperwork. Amelia and the aurors kept him updated on what was in the journals they had found in Dumbledore's old office. It wasn't until the next day that he became worried.

What she had him read was horrifying. It didn't take long for the Flamels to arrive. They were worried and confused as to why they were being brought in. Amelia was the one to speak first.

"I'm sure by now you know that we are investigating Albus Dumbledore." She said.11

"We do. I assure you both that we would have turned him over if we had any clue how corrupt he is." Nicolas said.

"That's not why you both are here. You see, thanks to that article we were forced to arrest Dumbledore before we learned about all his crimes. Luckily he documented them well and we found them. Well, through this we found some disturbing news." She said, looking at Fudge.

"What is it? Obviously it has to do with us." Perenelle said.

"It does. A few years ago you gave the philosopher's stone to him to study, correct?" The minister asked.

"That's correct. It was destroyed when the dark lord learned of the location and tried to get it." She answered.

"Well, according to his journal that was wrong. In fact he told us a different story." Amelia said. "He told us you had him guard the stone and the dark lord went after it. He told us Mr. Potter learned the stone was in danger and went after it. Mr. Potter managed to save the stone and kill the professor that was after it. The professor was host to the dark lord. After that he said you both destroyed the stone and planned to die."

The Flamels were shocked. "Now this journal tells another story. It turns out he used the stone to bait the dark lord into coming for the stone. He wanted to test Mr. Potter. When the boy didn't seem interested in the stone he used a compulsion spell on him. The professor that went after the stone was host to the dark lord, which Dumbledore knew the whole time. He couldn't touch Harry and ended up getting burned by the boy's very touch. Poor child used that to save himself. Dumbledore then took the stone. We have sent a team to retrieve the stone. He kept it in his personal home and was studying it. He was trying to use it to make the elixir of life." Fudge revealed.

"I see." Perenelle swallowed.

"That bastard!" Nicolas hissed.

"We all agree there. We wanted to inform you since the stone belongs to you." He said.

"Thank you. We have more than one stone." He admitted. "We were trying to see if we could get the elixir to work with another. So far we have yet to accomplish that. Only the family can use it."

"That's good. He had yet to figure it out. Once we finish the case we will of course return the stone to you." Amelia said to them.

"We appreciate that. How is Mr. Potter? Did you find him?" Perenelle asked.

"No. We can only hope that he is safe." She answered.

"Please let us know. We just hope he is safe after all that he has been through." She said.

"We will." She promised.

"Thank you."

The Flamels left and Amelia went back to the journals. A few weeks later they had finally gone through everything they had found. It also helped that Harry's memories had been mysteriously dropped off at the auror's department. A month later Dumbledore and his minions had their trials.

Each and every single one of them were found guilty. Dumbledore was given the dementor's kiss the minute the trial ended. The rest were sentenced to Azkaban for life. They would never get out.

Everyone celebrated, especially after learning that Harry Potter was safe. They were sad to know he had no plans to return but many understood. Finally justice had been served.

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