15- A whisper of lovers

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Jess passed her a small smile a look in his eyes which she couldn't place

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Jess passed her a small smile a look in his eyes which she couldn't place. Her eyes then sat on Charlena who winked at her mouthing 'total hottie' while pointing at Jess.

Freddy blushed, upon reaching the stairs she bowed and took Jess's hand in her. His warm hand on her waist guided her to the circle and together they danced. Eyes expressing the guilt and regret that couldn't be said through words.

"You came," Freddy whispered her eyes gazing in his brown ones. "For you, always Freddy." his gaze remained on her. "You look beautiful by the way." Jess could not comprehend the beauty he had in his hold at the very moment.

He loved the way the white dress reflected her. Not just because it was her favourite colour but because of the peace he felt with her. He didn't think about the way the dress hugged her curves.

He was more busy staring into her eyes. The same eyes that held love, care sadness and hurt all caused by him. The loose strands of her hair made Jess want to dip her down and kiss her.

"And you too look quite handsome if I must say. Quite a gentleman you are sir." the two chuckled having a moment of appreciated silence.

Jess was dressed in a black tux a small bowtie and white gloves. His hair was in his usual mess showing that he wasn't a part of the crowd but Freddy appreciated his beauty. She wondered if this was how he would look in his wedding tux.

A dust of red coated her cheeks at her thought. She wouldn't deny the fact that Jess was insanely hot and a beautiful soul. He was a poet at heart and a writer of a soul. She wondered if he would break her heart and then proceed to write for her. 

Their steps matched with the rhythm of the song. The rhythm matches the beats of their calm hearts.

Freddy always read about how the main lead hearts would race when she was near the love interest. But for her, her heart was calm as the night moon beaming with love and peace knowing that she was near him for now.

"I'm sorry." the two said together, a smile escaping their lips. "Let me go first..please sweets." and there it was again the name that made her heart race and damn his cute smile she thought to herself.

"Look I know I said a very hurtful thing to you sweets and please please forgive me. It's not true. Everything I said I don't mean it. I had no right to be that angry with you when you were just looking out for me." Freddy didn't know if it was the music that made her so emotional or the fact that the apology ripped the band-aid off their wounds.  

"And I mean it when I say I said that all in anger and I don't mean it, sweets. I didn't mean it when I said I only befriended you because I pitied you. Because I never did Freddy. I found you the only tourable person in this town. And you will never be second to me. Never." Jess never wanted to leave the moment he was in.

The two hearts connected with the apology being poured out. The strings of guilt and hurt embracing one another in search of comfort. People moved past them the dance was over. But the rhythm in them remained still. 

"You are my first friend in this funny town and you are the only one who now has started to feel like family to me sweets. Forgive me?" Freddy removed her hand from his hands, wiping the tears away. 

In an instant, her hands were now around his neck hugging him tightly. "Forgive me as well Jess. How can a heart like yours be awful? Sorry for the words that managed to slip out of my mouth. Don't ever leave me." her silent cries now turned into sobs. 

His hands were tightly wrapped around her torso warmth and love filling their veins unnoticed by both. The two started to fall for each other. Lovers whispered the wind swooshing by as the cupid's arrow pierced their wounded hearts. 

"Leave you, sweets? Never." A smile plastered on her lips the two parted away instantly missing the warmth. "You do look beautiful tonight." she laughed removing the snoot from her nose. "Even though I have snoot in my nose." Jess nodded a cheeky smile on his face. "Especially now." 

The two laughed unknown to them Lorelai and Christopher had watched the event unfold. "I worry about her sometimes. And I also worry about that guy because I have never met him." Said Christopher. 

"You are only worried about her because you think they are way similar to us. But trust me, Chris, Freddy is different and they are a lot different and better than us." Lorelai said a sad smile on her face. "I would trust her to do my heart surgery you know. Even though she aspires to be a musician." Christopher laughed. 

"You are right. Cheers to the new bond formed?" He asked raising his glass Lorelai shook her head. "No Cheers to the love that has no bounds." the two clinked their glasses watching the two with much nostalgia and love. 

The whole night the two friends talked about everything and nothing making fun of the passers and the people Jess had encountered. The two sat on the stairs far away from the commotion cola bottle in hands and a dish of everything edible they could find. Her heels rested beside the many empty bottles of cola.

The only noise was of their laughter and bottles clinking as they toasted to every poetic line they could come up with. Their eyes filled with love and desperate for some miracle to happen to stay in this time forever.

 A certain redhead caught the sight of Freddy as she called out to her. "Charlena!" the older girl turned around and beamed at the familiar face. "Fred I see you got your surprise! I see you guys are hitting it off." a hope laced with her voice. 

Freddy laughed as realization dawned upon her. "No Lena. Your surprise was  actually my escort it's a long story!" Lena nodded at Jess who sent her a small wave and a grateful smile. "Well, I love long stories. Call me when you are free." she handed her a small note. 

"Or I will meet you on the weekend on my daily stars hollow run." Charlena only laughed at Freddy's face. "It doesn't take a woman an eternity to find everything about a gorgeous girl. Anyway, I won't keep your date waiting. Enjoy your night Fred!" 

"That was-" "Lena?" Jess finished her sentence with raised eyebrows.

 "I know hun she told me about her sad little friend who didn't have any escort and I would be a godsend angel if I would escort the sad escortless friend. She told me I wouldn't be disappointed and she was indeed right."

 Freddy blushed at the words. The word hun he had never used. It was as if it was totally normal for him to say. A mundane thing for him. 

"You know the chic rich boy look really suits you," Freddy said after a moment of silence. "Yeah? and the snowball look is just gorgeous on you." Freddy rolled her and jokingly pushed him. But Jess really meant each word he had said. 

"Well, my lady it's getting late. I should drop you home before your parents bury me deep beneath the earth's core." Freddy snorted and took his hand getting up. Jess had carried her heels in his hand. 

The two joked as they tried to find her family. "There you are mother dearest! are we ready to go home?" Lorelai looked at the two a smile on her lips especially when she noticed the lack of shoes on her feet. 

"Of course my girl. Now let's go my stomach is rumbling these guys don't have edible food at all." The two nodded in agreement. 

During their ride home, Freddy and Jess were in the backseat while Dean sat in front of Christopher. Her legs were draped on his lap, and Jess's hand never left her as the two silently drew shapes and letters on their hands. 

Giggling when it tickled and covering it with a cough. 

It was a night the two never wanted to forget. 


Double update because I am in love :)

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