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Thank you for participating and here are the results!!!

Judge- Ablazeisaleo

Romantic Story- aurora_2604

Clarity and conciseness: 5/8

Intrigue and hook: 5/8

Originality and creativity: 5/8

Alignment with tone and genre: 6/8

Overall impression: 5/8

Standout elements: 4/10

Total: 30/50

Fairy Kisses & Murder- FoxLocks34

Clarity and conciseness: 4/8

Intrigue and hook: 6/8

Originality and creativity: 5/8

Alignment with tone and genre: 6/8

Overall impression: 5/8

Standout elements: 5/10

Total: 31/50

Heart's Desire- _Mini_Padfoot_

Clarity and conciseness: 5/8

Intrigue and hook: 7/8

Originality and creativity: 4/8

Alignment with tone and genre: 5/8

Overall impression: 6/8

Standout elements: 6/10

Total: 33/50

A Memory of Starfires- Aravis-Brightspell

Clarity and conciseness: 6/8

Intrigue and hook: 5/8

Originality and creativity: 7/8

Alignment with tone and genre: 7/8

Overall impression: 6/8

Standout elements: 6/10

Total: 37/50

Destined: to meet you- Thewintersnow17

Clarity and conciseness: 4/8

Intrigue and hook: 4/8

Originality and creativity: 6/8

Alignment with tone and genre: 5/8

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