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Betty sits on her bed, surrounded by the soft glow of her string lights as she scrolls through old pictures and videos on her phone. Each image captures moments of laughter and friendship between her and James, memories of happier times that now feel bittersweet.

As she flips through the photos, a wave of nostalgia washes over her, reminding her of the connection she once shared with James. But with each passing moment, the reality of their situation becomes increasingly clear – they won't be together no matter how much she wished any prayed she would never love her as much as she loved him...

Frustration mounts inside Betty as she paces back and forth in her room, her mind consumed by thoughts of what could have been. She throws her phone onto her bed with a groan of exasperation, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions.

Betty knows she needs to come to terms with the fact that her relationship with James is no longer possible or was it ever even possible. It's a painful realization, but one she knows she must confront in order to move forward.

With a heavy sigh, Betty takes a deep breath and wipes away a stray tear. She may not have all the answers right now, but she's determined to find peace within herself and let go of the lingering hope that still clings to her heart.

As she sinks onto her bed, surrounded by the echoes of their shared past, Betty begins to accept the truth – her journey with James has come to an end, but a new chapter awaits, filled with possibility and hope for the future.



Betty sits with her friends, Aria, Lyla, Lydia and Natasha, at their usual table in the bustling cafeteria. Laughter fills the air as they joke and reminisce about their latest adventures, their bond stronger than ever.

Despite her best efforts to focus on herself and her friends, Betty can't shake the occasional thoughts and feelings of James that creep into her mind. But she pushes them aside, determined to enjoy the present moment and the joy that comes with being surrounded by those who care about her.

As prom season approaches, excitement buzzes through the air, filling the school with anticipation and anticipation. Betty can't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the thought of prom – a night filled with expectations and possibilities.

But she's determined not to let her past with James overshadow the excitement of the upcoming event. With the support of her friends by her side, Betty knows she'll be able to navigate the challenges of prom season with grace and confidence.

As the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch, Betty and her friends gather their belongings and head off to their next class, their laughter echoing through the hallway.



James sits at his usual spot in the cafeteria, his eyes scanning the room until they settle on Betty, who is engrossed in conversation with her friends. He watches as she laughs and jokes with them, her smile lighting up the room in a way he hasn't seen in a while.

Despite his efforts to move on, James can't help but feel drawn to Betty, her presence casting a spell over him that he can't seem to break. He finds himself inching closer to her in class, hoping for a glance or a smile, anything to reassure him that she still notices him like she used too.

As prom season approaches, James's friends chatter excitedly about the upcoming event, discussing potential dates and outfits. But James's thoughts are only on one person – Betty.

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