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The sound of the vacuum went back and forth, gradually getting louder, then quiet

I was sick of hearing it until it stopped

A knock came to the door. ' Hello?' a male voice questioned

You rubbed your eyes and was confused, ' Come in' you shouted with your eyes squinted

' Sleeping beauty just woke up? Go eat breakfast before it gets cold, I spent so long in the kitchen ' Beomgyu sulked as he stretched his arms

' I highly doubt you'd make breakfast. Let me guess, you ordered? Or someone definitely helped you-'

' Heeseung is at school, Haewon is at work. So I'm the only one who made it ' he smirked and attempted to drag me out of bed

' Hey- I haven't even brushed my teeth!' you snapped at him

' Hurry up then, unless you wanna miss out on pancakes?' he chuckled while you rushed to the bathroom

You came downstairs and saw Beomgyu pour a drink

He walked towards the staircase just as you came down

You were struggling to get down with the baggy trousers

' Ugh, why won't it-'

You slipped of two steps left, straight into Beomgyu's arm's

' Are you okay?' he asked worried, holding you like a princess

' Not unless you let go of me!' you jumped off and stubbed your toe

' Fuck-'

He laughed at you and walked you to the kitchen

' You'll forget about it, just eat ' he turned to pass you utensils

You grabbed the knife and fork, scaring him how mad you were

You stabbed the pancake and shoved it in your mouth but it was surprisingly good

' I knew I'm a good cook ' he said, proud of himself

' Never knew someone could get excited over things like this ' you cackled

Heeseung burst open the door, catching both of your attention to him

' Lovebirds made up?' he said, out of breath

' It's 9am, shouldn't you be in class right now?' you questioned him, as if you were his parents

' I got suspended!' he cheered loudly

' You better not scream any louder before I tell dad ' Haewon threatened

' She's in a bad mood ' he whispered loudly to us

' Are you drunk?!' Beomgyu exclaimed

Heeseung stood up straight and gave him a glare

' That's so offensive- I got into a fight, and won!' he cheered even louder but Haewon threw his pencil case at his head

' You won?! We should celebrate-' Beomgyu attempted to speak

' Absolutely not?! You two are just so confusing sometimes, clean up this mess!' Haewon shouted at them, pointing at the equipment on the floor

' Hey! You chucked the pencil case at my head, shouldn't you be in trouble?!' Heeseung shouted as loud as he could as she stormed off to her room

' You have 5 minutes to clean it up before I snitch on you! I'll be checking soon! ' Haewon shouted back from her room

' Great..' Heeseung murmured

Both me and Beomgyu carried on eating the pancakes as Heeseung cleaned up his mess

' How'd you fight someone in less than the first 30 minutes of school? ' you asked curiously, passing the plate of pancakes like a frisbee

' That Yang Jeongin kid needs to understand that you won't be coming back soon ' he sighed out of exhaustion

' Jeongin? Why would he be so mad-'

' He asked me where you were so I told him you probably were hanging out with Beomgyu which then he went all nerdy and went like 'Uhm, why would she skip school' what a loser!' he mocked him, pretending to be all nerdy

' And?' Beomgyu stated

' So, I said that you don't even go here and how your original school has some training day and then he got mad and punched me, so obviously I wasn't gonna take that! It's not like it was my fault!' he sulked

Heeseung went to his room to go change but then a phone started buzzing like crazy

Beomgyu grabbed his phone and looked shocked

' Shit.. I accidentally had do not disturb on, and my parents are calling me! What do I do?!' he said worriedly

' Let's just go back? I'm sure it can't be that bad right? ' you hoped that everything would be fine but he gave you an unfortunate look

' The problem is, your parents would never let me hang out with you and now they have a higher chance of catching us '

Then his father started calling him

Then his father started calling him

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lonely boy | CHOI BEOMGYU ✓Where stories live. Discover now