Never go to the mall with Hangi

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Levi pov

So not only am I not at work but my while office saw me get carried out like a dumbass but I'm in her dirty ass car or to me it's dirty going to the fucking mall I hate the mall people germs people oh and the icing on the cake my big sister is going to be there noe don't get me wrong I love Mikasa but she is a demon a shopping one and if she finds out what we are shopping for she'll never let me live it down.

" so what are you going to make me wear that's not a dress and no heels shitty glasses or so help me"  trailing off to keep her guessing what I would or could do but even I know that threat was empty damn my soft spot for her.
" one you would never hurt me two you will get in that dress and heels and your sister will agree with me you need excitement love adventure sex you shy hard ass"
" one I don't need sex " I didn't even get to finish before she called me out. " now see I call bullshit on that your a 28 year old virgin with the body of a goddess sooooo whats the problem with flaunting come on Levi be more confident in your body it's amazing you don't even notice the looks you get at the office in your tight ass suits do you shortie"  " I would not wear those suits if I didn't have too I hate them you know that but image is important at least thats what Erwin says that bastard its my company and he acts like the runs the show cause he's an alpha". To be honest I kind of dislike Erwin lately he's getting controlling like we're dating or something when the truth is his scent repluses me it smells like rotting apples with a hint of grass. It's way to strong and I hate the smell of grass only weirdos like that same with apples I mean what if a fucking worm was in it nope not me I would never eat one so I don't see why he thinks I like him that way I barely like him as a friend I didn't even hire him it was my uncle Kenny.
" yeah Erwin is a special case you should stay away from him Levi I don't trust him and I've known him along time he's really changed I don't know why he wasn't like this in high school"  " maybe not around you but with me he was always this way why do you think Mika hates him so much and he was never allowed at sleep overs my mamam hates that alpha but she won't tell what he did not that I care he was more your friend anyway"
"  I see Oh look we're here time to shop and I see your sister let's go get sexy bitch"

Now let me tell you about my sister 5'9 lean curved badass alpha over protective take no bullshit person that you don't mess with but I love her to death she beautiful and to be honest I'm a little jealous of her looks like now I'm in this ugly tight suit that hugs to much and she's in baggy jeans a crop top with the word danger on the chest and her hair back with a beanie did I tell you she was a tom girl cause that's what she is.

Mikasa pov

I've never thought Hangi would call me telling me that Levi needed an outfit cause Eren was home the kid my brother had had a crush on since Hangi and there family move in next door. The thing is I actually like Eren he was a good kid treated my brother good Levi's an idiot for not seeing that Eren liked him too but my brother has always been shy and not confident especially when he started getting into his omega body I came ad kind of a shock with how curvy he got when mom is not shaped like that but I think dad's mom was. Its really kind of funny that he thinks he's not attractive laughable even.

" Levi it's good to see you baby bro you too Hangi your looking good"
" are you seriously flirting with my friend Mika stop I don't even want to be hear say I did go I would just make a fool of myself in front of Eren I would never show my face to him again I would move and not tell you drop of the fave of the fucking earth so please let me leave". Did I mention he was dramatic as fuck well he is its annoying.
" tsk stop being dramatic and Hangi likes my flirting don't you"
" now that is cleared up let's get this make over going and don't run I will catch you and tie you up and dress you like a fucking doll you used to play with that by the way we're mine"
" Shut up we promised to never speak of that in front of people" he screamed at me the look on his face was priceless ahh being an older sibling is awesome so is being an ass.
" you used to play with dolls Levi that is the cutest gayest thing ever "
" Isn't it almost as cute as when he would put on shhhmmm" I couldn't finish before he covered my mouth this little shit.
" Please shut up if your quit I will go shopping just don't say it now I'm going to move my hand okay" I nodded so he would let go
" ok"
"  so shopping" he's so easy to manipulate if you have the right information I got to embarrass him and get him to agree to shopping I'm amazing.

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