Why are you with me

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Third Pov
As soon as Eren's command rang out through the room and Levi came you could smell his sweet slick in the air as the surge from Eren's powers shut down all the lights. Feeling Levi go limp in his arms he lifted him up holding his mate close to make sure he was okay. Seeing he just passed out from exhaustion, Eren was going to shake Levi awake his eyes slowly, starting to turn gold again only for them to flash back violet at the scent of rotting apples and dead grass.

“Erwin’ Eren hissed out a growl and flashed towards the door taking it off the hinges not caring one bit just wanting to get his soulmate to safety.  Then he was gone before the lights even came back on forgetting his and his mates sister on purpose.

Hangi pov
Me and Mikasa are in my car on the way to Erens's new place after sneaking past security so we didn't have to pay for the door that Eren broke.  Which I understand because even if my mate couldn't I could smell one bastard named Erwin Smith and I was not happy. If this keeps on I'm going to have to tell mom now you would think you would tell my dad but nope if someone messes with what my mom considers her pup then it's like war of the world's. Could you imagine death by a 48 year old stay at home mom. Our mom could pack a punch though Eren learned that the hard way me I got it after the first time.

Third pov

“Soooo”  Hangi started really not knowing what to say, hey me and my brother are supernatural royalty Eren might be the strongest alpha in history and the older he gets the stronger he becomes or I could say hey you know what happened in the club that was not even a fraction of his power that would go over real well wouldn't it. Hangi was internally panicking about what she was going to tell her own mate. Forget Eren for a second not Levi though hangi knew her  brother wouldn't hurt his mate there's not to say he won't take Levi roughly before they get to know each other again.

“So are you going to tell me what's going on or am I going to have to beat your brother's ass to get my answers?” Hangi opened her mouth to cut off the surprisingly calm but still aggressive question only to be the one cut off with a silent hand raise and raised arched raven brow. Knowing she should let her mate finish, Hangi quieted down which was hard for her but also gave her time to get her thoughts together to figure out just what to say. Some she couldn't, only mates or family members could know some information.

Since she and Mikasa had not mated yet she couldn't know but Hangi was hoping to change that soon if only her brother would think with the head on his shoulders and not in his pants oh well he was probably thinking with both but still now she had to deal with the aftermath.

‘I know from what I just heard in the club I couldn't beat your brother but I'll damn sure try after all this and hangi if we are going to be in a relationship you can't hide this kind of shit from me I mean Fenrir really that's wolf is of legends no one has a true depiction of him and your saying your family is a direct descendant of him so it makes me wonder what you want from me a mere mortal woman”

“Stop, you are more than just a mortal woman you are..dammit Mika your my mate and I love you do you really think I wanted to hide this from you do you think I wanted our relationship to be built on lies! I already feel bad we didn't tell Levi because he would get upset. You know he's been sad and lonely lately. Do you know why I did this? I was just going to invite him to come see Eren. Do you know what I heard though! I heard your little brother say he couldn't get an alpha do you know how your little brother sees himself he thinks he's ugly Mikasa Ackerman that he's overweight and not worth anything that if he was himself at work he'd get no respect that he has to hid the true Levi the one who is shy and loves to read who loves sweatpants and wears glasses to read do you know what it's like to go to work and see you best friend cave in on himself beat himself up day after day and you want to know why I hid this shit from you because I knew you wouldn't believe me Eren would never hurt him Mikasa and if you think so lowly of my baby brother than what are we even fighting for right now if you can't except him for Levi why or how could you except me for you how could you trust us! So no you can't beat my brother up! And I fucking love you so don't you fucking dare question why I would want to be with you Ackerman!” By the end of the whole rant hangi was red faced and out of breath panting with tears streaming down her face she pulled up in front of a large house with all the lights off. Mikasas was going to say something she didn't mean to hurt hangi so much but what was she supposed to do? Just accept all of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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