Chapter 3

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It's fascinating how such occurrences can happen, isn't it? The idea of doppelgängers has intrigued people for centuries, stirring imaginations and sparking curiosity about the mysteries of human existence.

But what are the chances that the so called 'doppelgänger' looks, sounds and dresses exactly like you? I don't think that's even logically possible.

The tension in the air was palpable as we stood there, locked in a silent exchange of bewildered gazes. Her smile, though awkward, held a curious charm that left me both intrigued and unnerved. Every instinct urged me to flee, yet I remained rooted to the spot, held captive by an inexplicable force. It was a peculiar sensation, one that left me questioning the very fabric of reality.

"Amanda, right?" she asked with a hint of uncertainty. When she spoke, my own voice echoed back at me, though it sounded slightly higher pitched with a delicate quiver of hesitation that seemed out of place.

The key sentences here is that she has my voice. I can't believe this is actually happening.  Hearing myself speak from someone else's mouth was disorienting, like listening to a recorded version of yourself but slightly off.

"Yeah..." I drew out the word, my heart quickening its pace as the peculiarity of the situation dawned on me, sending a shiver down my spine.

Her smile broadened, gaining a tad more confidence as she seemed to settle into the conversation. "I mean you no harm at all. My name is Xynar, from the planet Ruiyn in the 45th dimension and I need your help."

That was a lot of information to take in just one sentence. My mind raced, trying to piece together her words. From another dimension? What was a dimension when mentioned in such a context anyway? Planet Ruiyn? What help could I possibly offer?

"I'm sorry you're from where and you need what now?" I asked again to make sure my ears were not hallucinating. This has to be some kind of joke.

"I need your help" she stated, her tone matter-of-fact, as if the abnormality of the situation didn't faze her in the slightest.

I furrowed my brows and looked around, half-expecting to find onlookers or some hint that this was just a silly joke. "I... kind of don't feel comfortable right now."

"Indeed, I share your sentiments. Considering the circumstances - just look at me. It's regrettable that I had to impersonate you to blend in." She gestured towards herself, her movements awkward and unfamiliar. "I am not used to this."

"Uh..." I started, unsure how to react. I then stood up and slowly backed up, without making it too obvious. "Listen, I don't know if this is a prank or what but I...don't do well with strangers." As she took a step forward, I turned sharply, letting my survival instincts take over and started to make a run for it.

I expected her to trail closely behind me, but to my surprise, there were no footsteps echoing behind me as I ran. Yet, I didn't dare to slow my pace, propelled forward by an inexplicable urgency.

The garden lay silent, save for the swirling wind and the hurried rhythm of my footsteps. It was a secluded path, rarely traversed by others, which had always appealed to me. Yet now, in the midst of this eerie stillness, I found myself contemplating the potential dangers lurking in its solitude. If something were to happen to me here, who would hear my cries for help? The unsettling thought sent shivers down my spine as I quickened my pace, desperate to escape the looming sense of vulnerability.

As the garden neared its end, blending seamlessly into the familiar surroundings of my neighborhood, I continued to sprint, my lungs burning with exertion. Five minutes had passed, yet the sense of pursuit lingered, compelling me to cast anxious glances over my shoulder. Seeing no one behind me, I breathed a sigh of relief, only to collide forcefully with another figure, bringing me to an abrupt halt.

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