Kissy kissy doki doki (one-shot)

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This is our yandere

This is kissy missy and her real name is [Redacted] and she is in her kissy missy body not her human one and she been in their for years

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This is kissy missy and her real name is [Redacted] and she is in her kissy missy body not her human one and she been in their for years.

And Izuku is going there because something draws him back to that place where he thought he could fine something.

We see a very old factory that had on the front and where a 16 year old green hair boy walked in and walking in he looking around seeing how the now vibrant colors are now muted when he noticed a video tape and put it inside a tape player and looked at a tv.

He watch a man explained what this place is and said it was the funniest place in the world where dreams comes true with just the imagination.

He heard something and went to investigate it and saw a giant blue fuzzy monster standing with its hand up he oddly wanted to high five him.

And when he ventured deeper he found a weird backpack with two hands and he watch a tape on how to use it more properly and to make sure to not grab off your coworkers heads and bow enjoy your new grab pack.

He put it on and looked at the main area and saw the blue monster gone and he got a little scared and when he went to a gate and when it opened the same blue monster walked though and slowly chased him though the factory and when he tripped the blue fuss ball was about to eat him when a pink fuss ball started attacking the blue one.

She attacked blue and started to eat him alive and when she looked over at the boy she slowly walked close to him and she sniffed him and her eyes grows to full all of her eyes and she looked like she was gonna bite him but when he noticed her bow has something like a necklace.

????: [redacted] stop! It am here now pls stop.

She looked at him and with weird sounds she said Izuku and he was shocked and she hugged him it was fuzzy and she was lifting him up and waved him around and he asked her to come back home with him and when he said that she held him tighter and tighter and he patted her back and she let him down and he held her hand and he showed her the way out and she seemed scared to leave.

Izuku: come on we can do this I'll take care of you.

Kissy looked at him and trusted him and she followed him out and was blinded by the sun.

Izuku: let go.

He somehow got this 8ft tall monster to his home and she seemed to grow more human she could talk a little longer now.

Kissy: izu luv u

Izuku: I love you to / he kissed her forehead and she opened her mouth and smiled and hugged him.

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