Boss's death// Chapter one

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/Have anyone seen the joy in my eyes while I feel the wind in my face, hair and Mori's coat over my shoulder? Hm, I should end this show before the find takes my coat before evev I can die. Then what will suck the blood coming out my body when şm smashed on the floor?/




The Port of Mafia's Boss, the youngest mafia Boss in the history and arguably the best Boss's, Daza Osamu, was now A Dead Man.

His death was unexpected. To everyone. Specally to the man who imaged himself partying with Akutagawa when that happened and help him get his sister back from the Mafia's hand but things didnt go that way. Akutagawa himself by shook from watching the man he told himself he hated the most die with his words and the look in his eyes shook him, he couldnt bring himself to cheer. He was relived, glad almost but definatly not happy. After he felt the emptiness he felt losing his 'biggest enemy' and the biggest goal in his life, revenge, was gone and seeing both how much Atsushi, the weretiger and Gin, his dear little sister cared about the young bandeged man he couldnt look in their eyes and say he was glad he was dead.

Apperantly Gin didnt wanted to leave the Mafia, even tho how much she missed and loved her brother, she still had an life n there, friends, a job and a goal. And appearingly The Dead Man was very much importent in her life, the man who gave her a goal, comfort, care, a job and a life. Atsushi was way more shook then both Gin and her dear brother. Couldnt handle full convos witout startng to shake and remember The Dead Man. The great Chuuya Nakahara was horrible at handling his partner's and boss's death. When everyones eyes were away trowing huge breakdowns, couldnt hold his anger and abilty inside him. He was like a wild animal, just thinking about The Dead Man drove the red-head crazy, no longer able to control himself. That went for days, and a few weeks locked down to lower the amounth of damage made to the city and himself, in the end he was going to be the Boss now! Well, everyone knew he never could be a boss better then The Dead Man.

And for Oda, he felt dumb. Numb atleast. He acually didnt know the man in the end, right? And what he did to Akutagawa disguised him. When he learned how young the so-called Demon's age it shocked him. When he saw how shook Akutagawa was it suprised him further. When he heard his death Oda felt dumb. For everything he said, for the anger he felt when he saw the pure happiness in the Now Dead Man's eye, becouse then Oda felt like someone like him didnt deserved happiness. Now he was only left with and confused mind and forever with and never-ending haunting guilt he felt that he will nevr able to get rid of or put his finger on for the reasen why he felt this guilt.

And a that time no one could connect Fyodor Dostoveky's death to The Dead Man's death.




The Dead Man opened his eyes to the burning sunlight coming from the small window of the clinic.

"What year is it..?" He said in a dry cracky voice, hurtfully noticing how dry his throat was, his weak and awually cold hand weakly finds his neck to rub it, try to ease the pain before he notices that there was no bandeges on his neck, no scars, burns, cuts, burning hand and rope marks but only his skin. The brunnets eyes gets shot open wide, it was almost impossible for a universe, an life that Dazai wasnt met with the dirty truths of life and adults. "Oh dear, your really awake!"

Dazai hears an high-pinched unfamiliar voice and turns his head to that direction to meet with and older sweet-smiling nurse at the head of his bed. The women seemed quite pleasedly suprised that Dazai was alive at all. But Dazai knew his suicide attempt didnt failed, if he was still at the same universe the nurse would be highly protected and not this happy, nor the room and stuff look way before his time. So Dazai takes a deep breath, trying to get himself ready for an whole new life again, he knows will not end well. It never does. But he needs to get to understand how his life was before he woke-up alive again to this body before he and Odasaku meet again. "What year is it, ma'am?" Dazai asks way sweetly now, masking his expression with an cheerfull smile like an acual child glad they are alive.

The women chuckled softly before answering, "1761 dear, you been in an coma for 6 months after an injuiry on the head and blood loss." With the nurses words Dazai taked a way more carefull look around the room and the little he can see outside the window. There was no way. This looked a lot older, atleast way before the mid 1700s, but the nurse didnt seem to lie as well. Something was off but for now Dazai ignored it and looked down to his body, his wrists were bandaged, he slowly and gently surfed his finger on the fabric for less pain. The cuts were not deep and the scars didnt lasted to his elbows or any closer, definatly not a art of purely need to feel pain like useally but uneven panicked weak cuts on hıs wrists like it was an end of panicked actions. The women worriedly but very gently grabbed his wrist to not hurt him but also stop him from investing about his past further, by pure action of concern for the young boy. Dazai felt an soft and faint smile appear on his lips to the nurses actions of concern. It reminded of the night when Odasaku kissed his scars.

But the memory also bringed Dazai some mind of why he was here so he quickly pulled his hands away and his hand softly went to the back of his head, the women was telling the truth, his head was hurting and was losely bandaged. And when he looked down he saw white clean hospital cloths, an an small body. Awfully small. "Are you alright dear?" The looked back at the womenes soft and worried eyes. "How old am i, again...?" Dazai asked hesitantly, trying not to sound wierd. "14 dear, your almost 15 now." The nurse said wth an soft smile.

"Oh okey.."Daza i muttered as he glupped. His bodies condition was way better and healtier then most of the universe. He felt more energetic, less skinny, his skin was way less scared and looked way healtier. The women let Dazai observe everything while she toughed he was trying to recall his memories ater the big injuiry and coma. She gently placed gently placed one hand on his shoulder as she smşled softly. And Dazai noted his body didnt flinged, atleast not too much. "I will call the doctor and tell him your awake while you get better and some rest." She said carringly before leaving the room and leaving Dazai alone with his toughs.

He was so close to what he wanted, a world where he and Odasaku can live normaly or atleast happily in the light. But Odasaku didnt wanted that. Dazai never and never could blame Odasaku for that, he was right. Dazai was gross and Odasku was right to be grossed out of him, of his obbsesion about him. A demon with his hands bloodied all over, scared and broken and he will always be like that. He will always be disguasting and he deserved that. He will always be an broken doll made for kids but always ended up in an adults room under the bed to use for dark needs and goals.

Dazai didnt even noticed gasping, sobbing and clencing his hand to the fabric on his chest. Gasping for air and close to an heartattack only to stopped by and slander cold familiar hand grabbing his both wrists roughly and yankng him to realty. When he opened his eyes that he didnt even noticed that was closed his wide open panic filled eyes were met with an dark calm pair of them, very dark brown mixed wth smal od dark blue, almost purple. Long dark straight hair and his ghost-like pale skin, Dazai could never forgat that face.

While Dazai was stuck, in shock the doctor sighed and softly let go of the boys wrists, gave a slight nod to the worred nurse behind him. Sat down on the hospital bed and softly caressed his skinny fingers on the portrein like skin of the boys cheek, holding his chin and softly caressing the boy who was still in shocks cheek with his gloved tumb before he mummbled, "Bring us some of that shoots, dear." He ordered to the women who quickly nodded and obeyed, still worried sick about the boy. Also knowing the way the doctor was treating was no way to treat an patient who was in shock and having most likely an heartattack.

"He is indeed like a broken doll." Mori mummbled silently, knowing nurse Maimo was already out of the room but his words were only for the young boy was only for him and Dazai to hear. And making Dazai realize Mori was same after all, after great years of not seeing him in Beast all his trauma and need was back to life.




//For people who are confused.
After dying in one, Dazai opens his eyes to another universe with all his past lifes memories. Observes his new body and world to meet with an familiar unwanted but needed person.//

I recomend reading Bsd BEAST before reading this or dont. Beast is where its in an universe created by Dazai with The Book to find an/some universe where Odasaku can live happily in the light as an writer like he always wanted to and where Dazai in the end kills himself for the sake of making the odds of an happy Odasaku highier. (He deserved better :((( but im still writing this lol.//

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