Talking in the Rain//Chapter two

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Dazai takes slompy steps, funny, in Dazai's openion. Even more emberessing to walk so slow and limp next to Mori who was grinning ear to ear and holding the see-trough embrella for both of them, almost like an romantic high school couple but the diffrence was Mori was at his late 30s and it was way sicking. "You know i cant help you if you dont tell me what you saw, Osamu-chan." Ew. "Dont give me the 'chan'" Mori just chuckles softly like something funny was going on. Which makes Dazai tilt his head up to fully observe Mori's expression to try to understand what was going on his head even tho he will never understand an adult pass their 30s, and their mature mind even tho which age he is. Not to mention he ver lived long enough at any universe to see his late 20s or never died so young to never see how masked and gross the world around him was.

"I think its cute." Mori confeses with and more amused smile now looking down at Dazai too. Dazai didnt liked the height diffrence they head at this age of him. But surely he would grow it out, he is not Chuuya you know? "What do you find cute? Calling an acual male 'chan' or just me in general?" Dazai questions frowning, definaly unamused unlike the man walking slowly at his pace next to him, chuckling and having his eys squirm in joy and please. "Ah, I dont understand how well you know me Osamu-chan even tho we only met half an hour ago while you were having an literal breakdown-" Dazai stays silent so thats the green card for Mori to continue. "-and yet you feel so familiar to me too, Osamu-chan."

Dazai flics his long lashes before huffing childishly and turning his gaze back down to the floor under his feet, watching how helpless he is; limping and hardly even able to walk properly. Not even saying he almost falled on the older man on their way to the outside of the hospital, the garden where is raining like he never saw but the streets are still so bussy and crowded in this weather. "Why everyone looks the same?" Dazai asks bluntly, catching Mori off guard and also having him look up the low walls lining around the garden to look outside, to people in their daily life. Dazai wasnt fully honest with his words. Everybody didnt look alike. But the fasion taste was way before then he was used to at the 1700s with his past life's and everyone had an tone of brown or black or rarely blonde hair and brown colured eyes, just like him. But something he was not used to too. Mostly abilities effected their owners body and changed the way their DNA worked that they got from their bloodline.

"What do you mean, Osamu-chan?" Mori asked confusedly. No longer with the ear bleeding, head smashing annoying tone and more of an genunely confused and curious tone. So Dazai points the crowd on the nearist street. Even tho its probly mean. Duh. "Why everyone looks normal. You too." Dazai changes the directon of the quesition to Mori in the end. His drop dead serious big eyes finding the doctor's confused ones before his lips that were pressed in an focused line curls in a grin that makes Dazai frown further. "There is nothing wrong or unuseal by being normal in here, Osamu-chan."


Dazai stands still for a moment. First thing comes to his mind is that did Mori really figured out he was from an diffrent time or universe? But that was most likely impossible becouse no one achived that, not even Ranpo in any universe execpt from someone who ruins everything. The second is that where is his ability? Where is Elise, Mori's ability and every normality he was used to. So Dazai ignores the first question for a moment and turns his gaze to his palm where he squuzes his week and well—small fingers to a frist and activete his ability- or atleast try to. But nothing happens for a good second where Dazai understands he has no ability. No one does. An universe witout abilities.

A helpless uncontroble chuckle leaves Dazai's lips before he bites his lower to stop himself. He is greatfull that Mori s acually giving him silent time to think. Even if he can hear his breathing on his left side. No one had abilities. No one ever did. That was wht the world wasnt so progressed and still very back-fasioned. A world where people could live normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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