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As those words left the Teuton's mouth, she swiftly grasped the wrist of the masked woman, pulling her outside to a dark corner behind the building. She stood uncomfortably close, her breath sending shivers down GDL's spine.

GDL felt a wave of nervous anticipation as she was cornered, the proximity of the Teutonic Order unnerving her. The Teuton noticed the discomfort but chose to ignore it, her lips parting in a whisper.

"So what's up with the mask, hm?"

GDL's eyes widened. She glanced around, searching for an excuse, before blurting out, "Oh, this old thing? It's just to, uh, cover my scars. They're pretty gnarly!"

It wasn't a complete lie—she did have scars, but they were nothing compared to the ones on her back, hidden from view.

The Teutonic woman's face remained stoic, her skepticism evident. -What's the worst that could happen?- she thought to herself, a question that would soon come back to haunt her.

"Well, alright, whatever makes you feel better. Though I do wish I could see that pretty face of yours, I don't judge," she said, her fingers tracing the corners of GDL's mask, edging her on.

GDL shivered, pushing the other woman's hand away. This was far outside her comfort zone.

The Teutonic woman, undeterred, took the gesture as an invitation. Leaning closer, she took advantage of GDL's low-cut dress, placing a hickey on her neck.

GDL let out a muffled hum, grumbling about the now-purple mark. She draped her hair over it to hide it, feeling a mix of irritation and vulnerability.

This is going to be a long night.

It's like almost 1 am for me currently, I'm going to eep

Let's hope I remember abt this tomorrow and finish it🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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