⊹ ࣪ ˖ my light

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season 1 #episode 1

⇢ ˗ˏˋ might share a face and share a last name but we are not the same ࿐ྂ




The next day, she was sat on her bed, with her headphones in, when her mother knocked on her door. "Come in!" Margaret Miller looked elegant as always, this time however with a less intimidating expression on her face.

"Listen dear, about yesterday, I just wanted to apologise, In never should have hit you. You simply frustrated me, and I was very disappointed in you." Junia blinked faster with her eyes, trying to stop them from letting tears fall. She knew this would happen, it always did after her mother wss physical with her. A quick apology, to get off the hook, but it was never fully sincere.
"I know that, and I get how you feel, but that's not an excuse to hit me!" "Of course, but you know that you teenagers can't be taught another way, or it would be no use! You have to learn that there are consequences to your actions!" Her mother looked stern, like a teacher standing in front of her student who had forgotten their homework.

But that was the problem. Junia was her daughter, not her student. Being perfect wasn't supposed to be the thing that a mother should tell her child to be, but rather give her boy advice, have the sex talk, or whatever. Junia was tired of only talking to her mother when it was about god or her grades.
So she just nodded, and told her mother everything was okay and that she'd go to bed now, feeling a deep sting in her heart.

"Okay, dear. Don't forget to speak your prayer, and remember to keep reading your bible, I know you've been slacking." Margaret seemed to try to look kindhearted, but yet again June was met with the face that reminded her of her mean math teacher. After a quick "of course, mum." June got up and got her bible out of her night stand, to which her mother nodded and got out, closing the door behind her.

Since yesterday, all she could think about was the cruel words of her mother.
"In the name of god, if your father were here, he would be so disappointed of how you turned out! What did I do wrong raising you!"
June hadn't had much time with her father, but she always remember him as a kind man. The only clear memory she had of him, was her 6th birthday, only half a year before his heart stopped, and her whole world collapsed.

"Happy birthday, my light. You're such big girl now! I love you so much, always remember that!" He was crouched in front of her, with something in his hands. "What do you have there, daddy?" She looked up at him with her big, blue eyes, her tiny finger pointing towards his hand. "Always so curious!", he laughed, opening his hand, in which he held a necklace. Some might have assumed it was her first cross necklace, as both of her parents were raising her christian. But to her father, the most important thing was for his daughter to be happy, no matter if she believed in god or not.
He already knew then, that he hadn't had much time left with his baby daughter, so he gave her something meaningful, to cherish forever in her heart. "What's that, daddy?"
"It's a necklace, ma lumière. This sun resembles that light within you, okay? Don't you forget how happy you make other people Nia, yeah?" He put the golden necklace around her neck, with the sun charm hanging low on her chest, so it could fit her better as she grew older.
"Okay, daddy! I love you!" The six year old Junia gave her dad a hug, and ran away to find her best friend, smiling with her tooth gap showing, "Ant! Look at what daddy got me! C'est so cool, see?" She showed off her new acquired jewellery, speaking in French and English at the same time.

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