Chapter 1

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I blinked my eyes softly. The light burned deep into my iris's. even if it wasn't bright. I sat up on my old molded mattress filled with bugs and rats. I knew better then to complain, mother would hate if of me if I did. Oh yeah, I forgot... I'm Oliver Madronal. I am 12 years old and live with my mother, kind of. She often leaves me and forgets to come back for days but its okay because shes just busy. 

I sit up off the mattress dusting off the dirt and filth from my shorts. I asked mother for a new pair of shorts but she told me i'm fine without them. I made my way to the bathroom stepping over the trash bags that covered our house. The rooms have always been filled with trash, mother says she'll clean it but she lies. Lying. Its such an odd thing. You could always be honest and tell the truth but we as people insist on lying. Mother enjoys lying. I dropped my shorts to use the bathroom, being sure to wash my hands. Oh, I forgot again. The water hasn't been on for weeks... I wonder when she'll pay for it.

Its a Tuesday today so I don't eat breakfast...or lunch....or dinner. Mom only brings me food on Fridays, its like a gift! I go back to my room walking past the living room thats filled with strawberry syrup. My mom often uses the mushed strawberries and syrup to make me a meal! Though, its never sweet. Its always sour and pungent, but I never complain. She says its healthy for me, so I eat it. 

I sit on my molded mattress looking at all the trash bags. I sat there silently wondering when mom would return. I would wait for days. Its not like I had anything better to do. I flipped the switch to the tiny t.v mother had brought me. I watched cartoons and did the casual sigh every commercial I got. All the kids in the commercials looked so different. They were eating meals that wasn't the sour mush i'm used to. They all had toys that weren't molded. They had new toys. Jeez, if I got a new toy it must have been Christmas.

I sat there for hours eventually falling asleep, the pungent smell i'm used to stinging my nose.

I hope she comes back tomorrow...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2024 ⏰

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