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𖦹✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ

Tenko Shimura age 5

He cried as he was dragged through the halls of his by his father, "Stop, Kotaro, that's enough! You're hurting him!" His mother shouted running after the two. "If he doesnt like it, he should obey me!" "He's just a child" they agreed as tenko reached for his mother, her doing the same. Now he was outside in the front yard sobbing silently scratching his face, this was getting worse and worse as the days passed.

Whenever you weren't around things would get messy, he wished you were around all the time so he didn't have to be stuck outside in the hot summer heat weeping alone. He wasn't aloud to go back inside until he apologized and now it was getting dark and his allergies were getting worse as time passed.

He was already five without a quirk, causing him to get made fun of by some of his classmates. But he only truly cared about one persons opinion, and that was you. You both came from different backgrounds yet you both got treated the same by the more popular kids with powerful quirks.

"No, dear. stop scratching." His mother spoke rubbing his ointment on his rashes, "I'm itchy" he responded back. "One day we'll figure out what you're allergic to. I know, it's hard" he stood from his mother's lap rubbing his eyes "it's worse when I'm at home." He whispered turning to face his mother, "Tenko, do... you still... wanna be a hero?" His mother asked softly, he hummed in response "Mikkun and tomo were both being left out at school, So me and [Y/N] decided we should all play together and make up our game. And they said yes. We played heroes. You know saving people and stuff. And eventually... Mikkun and [Y/N] said "Ton, you should be All Might." Because I was nice and played with them even though no one else wanted to"

His mother listened to his every word as he scratched his eye, he soon hugged his mother tightly holding back a cry. "Why does day get mad at me all the time? Does he hate me? Will he like me more when I have a quirk?" He questioned his grip around his mother tighten.

His mother tried her best to comfort him, all the adults did but it never work or changed anything. Things never changed because no one ever did anything except you, "Stop it leave him alone!" You shouted through your teary eyes. You held your arms out as you stood in front of tenko, "it's not his fault leave him alone, send me out instead!" You shouted at his father as tenko sat behind you scratching his eyes and weeping. To him you were like his hero, you'd always step in whenever you witnessed his father being upset with him over something little.

But today he wished you didn't, a loud smack and thump was heard causing tenko to snap out of his daze to see you now lying on the floor. "[Y/N]!" He shouted running towards you "this is what happens when you're a hero, you hurt the ones around you and yourself" he whispered as his family hustled watched the scene. Only his mother would've stepped in, but she wasn't here, yet out grocery shopping.

He gave his grandparents a pleading look as he held your unconscious body in his arms but none of them moved an inch. He stayed with you at the same spot until his mother was home and once she was she was more than shocked to see two 5 year olds laying on the living room floor.

After that day you weren't allowed at their house anymore, and you weren't allowed to see tenko outside of school. You weren't even suppose to be friends with him after that but you were five, and like you said you love him.

"Psst! Hey!" You whispered shouted trying to get his attention. "Tenko! Over here!" You whispered louder finally catching his attention, he finally spotted you and say your patched up face and slightly bruised hand. You waved at him before leaving quickly, you guys were only able to talk in school and sometimes you'd have to be careful of Hana.

"I found a secret" Hana wished catching tenkos attention, she held out a picture to him "This lady is our grandma, she's a hero!" She exclaimed in excitement "Wow. But why are you showing this to me?" He questioned "Because Dad gets mad when you play pretend. But I'm with you! I'll be cheering you on as your biggest fan, tenko." She continued her encouraging speech as he looked at her with sparkling eyes.

Later he was playing out in the front yard with Mon, smiling from ear to ear imagining both him and you as heroes. Just as he went to throw the ball his hand got a sudden pain, just as he stood up examining his hand he heard his father yell. "Tenko! You went into my study??" He shouted "what did you see?" He questioned causing tenko to look up at him terrified.

He heard Hana cry as he glanced over to her, "Tenko said that-that he had a secret to show me, I didn't know!" She cried out as tenko looked in shock. His father grabbed him by the collar of his shirt as he began itching his forehead, "Kotaro, don't!" His mother shouted "That's not your grandmother, She abandoned her family when she left." His father spoke looking at him with such anger help me. Don't just watch. Why won't you step in? Someone! He thought as he watched his family stand to the side.

No one was there to help him this time, not you, not anyone. "You'll learn. In order to save strangers they don't even know, heroes hurt those who love them." His father spoke raising his before bringing it back to connect with tenkos face.

Soon the sky grew dark and tenko was out in usually spot weeping with mon by his side. "That's it. I can't take this anymore, Mon! It's too much. It hurts! I hate it." He cried out scratching his eyes, his grip around Mon tighted causing him to soon become dust.

[Y/N] [L/N] age 5

You walked down the street on your way home, your mom never picked you up anymore so you always walked home and on your way back you'd sometimes try and visit tenko a bit but lately you haven't been able to. But today you were worried, he wasn't at school yesterday or today so you decided you'd visit him, you hummed as you walked down his street soon approaching his house but once you came to it, it was crumbed up and some parts were in completely ashes.

You panicked as you quickly took off your bag, ducking over the police tape to run into the pile of rocks, "Tenko!" You shouted your tiny hands moving the rocks aside. "Tenko are you in here?" You shouted tears threaten to leave your eyes as you hoped you'd find something, "Tenko! Where are you?!" You became desperate searching the rumble till it got dark. Only to find nothing. not one body. Not one hair.

And no one would help you look for him.


𝐘𝐎𝐔&𝐌𝐄| 𝐓. 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now