"Prologue : The Rise of Eden's Flow"

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   "Where's--" "Princess!" Sera's words are interrupted. "There you all are. What needs reporting now, my faithful students?" Her voice carries a soothing tone.

   "So apparently... wait, wait! You tell her, Euphrae," Ion interjects.

   "No, no! You should!" Euphrae retorts.

   "No, Ison, you go!" Ion insists.

   "No! You--" "Guys, I'll tell her, don't worry," Igris intervenes.

   "Thanks, big sis!" The twins, Ion and Ison, chime in unison.

   "Are you sure?" Euphrae asks. "Yes, I'm sure," Igris affirms. "Alrightty," Euphrae steps back to join her sisters.

   "Your Highness, you recall how Adam, you, and the exorcists shortened the extermination date?" Igris inquires. Sera nods.

   "And do you also recall it was our idea to head for the hotel first, I mean not really our idea but we all four agreed it was a good idea?" Sera nods again, this time with confusion.

   "Well--" Euphrae interjects

   "As the exorcists approached the hotel, a massive dome immediately enveloped the area. Some found themselves trapped inside, falling prey to cannibals, as others were crushed as they collided with the dome's surface. Meanwhile, outside, a tentacled monstrosity began devouring those who were exposed. Adam and Lute found themselves outside of the chaos-"

   Sera coughs, prompting her to cover her mouth in realization. Sera nods in forgiveness.

    "Ahem, anyways," Igris sighs in frustration before Ion continues,      

   "Then Adam punches the forcefield dome thingy, and everyone is shocked, then they fought, and then the demon princess sprouted horns, and then both her dragon pets grew large, but Adam kind of killed the other one--" "He what?" Sera interjects, surprised.

   "He killed the red dragon thingy," Ison explains.

    "I'm going to have to talk with that mister later," Sera says, her tone tinged with anger.

   "Can you send him in here with Lute later, please?" Sera requests.

   "Uh..." Igris attempts to speak, but Ison interrupts, "That's the thing."

   "Girls, if you're going to butt in, you should've just said!" Igris snaps, frustrated.

   "Ok, so if you may please Ada--" "Adam's dead," Euphrae announces.

  "Oops, sorry, I just can't help it," Igris sighs.

   "It's ok," she says soothingly to calm herself.

    "Adam's what now!?" Sera questions.

   "Dead," all four of them reply in unison.

   "How?" Sera inquires.

   "Well, Lucifer kind of butted in the fight, and then... you know... he got stabbed multiple times by a small kid with red hair and one eye," Igris explains.

   "Lucifer joined the fight?" Sera asks, surprised.

   "Yes, Your Highness," Igris confirms.

    "Well then, we need a new head of the exterminations since Adam is dead now," Sera declares.

   "Who should it be, Your Highness?" Igris asks. "Hmm, maybe the four of you should be the new heads," Sera suggests.

    "Oh no, no, no, no, no," all four of them protest in unison.

   "Why?" Sera inquires. "You know it's rude to decline someone's offer," she adds.

   "It's just that if you really think about it, we were the ones who killed Adam," Ion confesses.

   "Yes, that's true. It was our idea to head for the hotel first, I mean, it was not really our idea, but we agreed to it even though all of you were doubting it," Ison admits.

   "Well, either way, all four of you will lead the exterminations starting now," Sera insists.

   "Alright then," they all say in unison, bowing to Sera before exiting the office.

Written by : I/T       

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