"Gravity's Descent: In His Presence"

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   "Omg! Aren't you guys excited for another extermination?" Ion exclaims.

   "Hmm, not really. Lute's been acting a little too suspicious during the past few exterminations," Igris remarks.

   "Agreed," Euphrae concurs.

   "Don't you guys think she might've been up to something?" Igris suggests.

   "Yeah--" Ion begins, but gets cut off as Ison barges into the room.

   "Guys! I have something to tell you!" Ison announces, leaving the rest looking at her with confusion.

  "So, I was roaming around the halls, making sure everything was fine before the extermination, right?" Ison begins.

   "Uh-huh," Ion replies.

   "Then, I heard mumbling in Lute's room, so I tried listening in," Ison continues.

   "And then?" Igris asks, intrigued.

   "I heard her saying that she's the one who's supposed to be in charge of the exterminations, and that she will make us all fall one by one with every extermination!" Ison exclaims.

   "No way! Our suspicions were right!" Ion exclaims in agreement.

   "Don't get too ahead of yourself there. Didn't you hear what Ison said?" Igris interjects, her tone tinged with concern.

    "What?" Ion questions, turning to Igris for clarification.

    "That she is going to target one of us with each extermination, so we have to be very cautious this time because we don't know who she's targeting later," Igris explains, her words carrying a sense of urgency.

    The gravity of the situation sinks in as the siblings exchange worried glances, realizing the severity of Lute's intentions.

    "Don't be too worried. Let's just report it to Sera," Euphrae suggests, her voice calm but resolute.

    "No! I don't think we should," Ison exclaims, her tone filled with uncertainty.

    "Why?" Igris inquires, her brow furrowing with concern.

    "We need evidence to prove that, and fast. The extermination is going to start soon--" Ion begins, but is abruptly cut off.

    "Girls, get ready, The extermination is about to start," Emily announces, her tone heavy with sadness at the prospect of yet another extermination.

    "Alright, Emily, we're coming," Euphrae responds, determination lacing her words.

    "I guess we already ran out of time," Ison laments, her voice tinged with resignation.

    "Let's just play it safe for now. We don't know what's going to happen later in the extermination. Let's go, girls," Igris declares, her tone firm as she takes charge of the situation.

         ---- Later in the Extermination ----

    "Euphrae, watch out!" Igris's voice rang out in a panicked yell as a piece of debris hurtled towards Euphrae.

    "What--" Euphrae's startled exclamation was cut off abruptly as she braced herself, expecting the worst.

    All three sisters screamed in shock and fear as a shadowed deer swooped in to save her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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