Chapter 1

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"WELL IF ITLL MAKE YOUR LIVES BETTER, I WILL JUST LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN!" Mario shouted as he walked towards the castle doors, their two meme guardians along with Tari, Bob, Meggy sitting on the couch in the main lobby.

"Ugh Mario you're so dramatic, you know what fine! Leave! We don't need you anyways!"
Smg4 shouted in response to Mario's outburst.

"Guys! Stop it! You guys don't really mean that-" Meggy said with a frown on her face, trying to interrupt them and calm them down from their anger, only for Mario to book it out, slamming the door shut making the castle shake a little.

Four stomped to his room, groaned with annoyance as he shut himself in.
"Welp I'm going home, it's getting late" three said as he got up, taking a look at the time on his phone
"I guess I'll have to stay and have a talk with four." Meggy said with an exhausted sigh.
"They'll get over it no need to speak with him."
Meggy wasn't so sure though, it felt wrong to just up and leave four and Mario like this for some reason.

Bob and Tari agreed with three, making their way back to their homes to sleep for the night. Meggy stayed behind, being the only one left in the lobby. She walked towards smg4's room and softly knocked on the door.

"Smg4? It's me, can I come in?.." No response nor movement could be heard from the room. Meggy sighed and was about to turn around when the door suddenly opened. She faced her friend and noticed a sad expression resting on his face.

"Are you okay?" Meggy softly asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just, I got lost in the moment and let my emotions get the best of me. Of course I didn't mean what I told Mario." Four replied, resting his hand on the back of his neck as he eyed the ground.

"I know and that's okay, don't feel guilty about it four."
"I guess I'll try not to." He said with a sigh. "I know maybe it's the same with Mario but, what if he actually did mean it?.."
Meggy placed her hand on smg4's shoulder as she eyed him with a frown on her face.
"Smg4, you and Mario have been best friends for a long time, of course he wouldn't mean that, his emotions got the best of him too just like you."
"You- you think so?"
"I know so." She replied, reassuring her friend.

Four smiled, "Thank you Meggy really, you're a really good friend."
"Aw, you too smg4, I'm always happy to help!"
Four's smile slowly went down as realization hit him.
"I doubt Mario would want to talk right now though.."
"Why don't we just give him some space and in the morning we can both see him and you can apologize?"
"Yeah alright sounds good, thanks again Meggy."
"No problem, welp, I'll be on my way, goodnight four!"

They both smiled and waved goodbye to one another and Meggy made her way out of the castle. Four closed his door and walked on over to his bed, plopping himself face first with a loud sigh.

'I should sleep. It's not like I won't ever see Mario again. I'll just go with Meggy like she suggested and we will say our sorries and everything will be okay.'
Four thought to himself trying to be positive. He shifted himself to be laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling slowly beginning to fall sound asleep.


Mario couldn't believe how four responded to him. Yes he didn't mean what he said, he was only upset on how left out he felt whenever he was with the crew, and he didn't dare confess that but it really shocked him four hated him "more", and that he believed Mario was a bad friend.

'Am I really a bad friend..?' He thought sadly. Suddenly he felt a raindrop fall on his nose. "Ugh really?" It was already cold enough tonight, rain just made it worse. He tugged down his hat and walked away faster. From a distance, his house could be seen, and Mario was relieved he wouldn't need to be in the rain for long.

He made it to the front door, and his hand was about to grip onto the door handle until he heard some type of weird noise behind him. He quickly turned around and eyed his surroundings, confused when he didn't find anything.

He stood still trying to find for anything, shrugged his shoulders when he still didn't see anything. As he turned around, he was faced with a screen with a hypnotic spiral changing colors at rapid speed. He couldn't turn to look away nor move, his mind was hooked to the screen, the reflection of the colors and the spiral being shown in his glossy eyes.

"I understand how you feel dear Mario..." a sudden voice had spoke.
"I understand how it feels to be left out.. to be toned down, not heard..."
The mysterious figure lifted his hand beside Mario's face, his thumb and middle finger resting on one another.
"I can make things better for you, you can trust me..." Mario could only listen, he was too hypnotized to move or speak his mind as his mind began to fog up. He felt the place become suddenly smaller, feeling his legs slightly twitching wanting to give up as he suddenly felt so tired.

With a snap of his fingers, Mario had blacked out, falling back but not hitting the floor as mysterious man's long arms extended forward, his hands holding Mario up from his back.

Within seconds, the figure with Mario in his grasp had disappeared, accidentally leaving his Mario's hat as it laid there on the cold wet ground.


Author notes: I think I'll update this and add something else but what I was planning to do is just write this and then publish a series. If I don't like that idea for a while then I'll just put all of the chapters together here)

Mario and his disappearance  (a SMG4 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now