journey back to hogwarts

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This year, everything would be different. It had to be. Shannon Thompson was a sixth year Gryffindor, but she felt like she didn't have much to show for it.

Of course, she had her friends. Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon, her dorm mates and the only people at Hogwarts who truly knew her. Or, mostly knew her. Shannon liked to stay under the radar and keep a low profile. She did well in her classes but knew she could do better. She watched all the Quidditch matches from the stands, despite the fact that she grew up playing with her older brother. And she never even had a boy be interested in her, even though at heart she was a hopeless romantic. this year, she wanted to make it a year to remember.


Shannon was running through the train station, towards 9 3/4. "I'm going to be late!" She called to her parents, who were rushing behind her. Her mother was a witch, who had also been sorted into Gryffindor. Her father was a Muggle, and she was inclined to believe he would've been a Hufflepuff had he had the chance to be sorted. Her older brother was a Hufflepuff, anyway.

"Just make sure you stop and say goodbye to us!" Her father chuckled behind her, Shannon turning to her parents and giving them both a crushing hug goodbye.

"I'll be sure to write every week, like always! Mum, I think I'm going to try out for the Quidditch team this year." She said as she grabbed her things and rushed on the train.

Shannon immediately collided with someone who had been standing in the exact wrong spot. She squealed and almost fell backwards, but an arm reached out and held her her waist until she got her footing back.

"I'm so sorry!" She finally said, looking up and meeting the eyes of James Potter. Her heart almost came to a stop. She had secretly liked James since third year. Of course, she could never tell her friends. He was head over heels for Lily, even if Lily told him repeatedly that she wasn't interested. If Lily and Marlene knew her feelings, they would give her sympathetic looks every time James tried to get Lily's attention. It was awful enough to have to experience it. To have other people know that she was experiencing it... well, that would be even worse.

He had an amused smile on his face and shook his head at her. "I'll let this one slide Thompson, but you better watch where you're going. That's the new Quidditch Captain you just ran into." He told her proudly. Shannon could tell just from this one interaction that he had been walking up and down the train, telling everyone the news. Lily would roll her eyes and call him an arrogant toerag, probably. But to Shannon, his pride in himself was endearing. She always wished she could see herself the way that James saw himself.

"I'll keep that in mind." She laughed softly, stepping aside and walking past him. She only got a few steps before she remembered the resolution she had made for herself, and turned back towards the boy. "Actually, Potter? I think you're the person I need to talk to then." Her heart was racing, and she curled her hands into fists, her nails digging into her palms as she waited for him to reply.

"Oh?" James said, raising his eyebrow at her in question.

"I want to try out for the team this year. Don't forget to let me know when they are. I hear there's a Chaser spot open and I think it's mine." She said, a light pink color appearing on her cheeks. She knew James would be surprised by this. In all the years they had been House mates, she had never mentioned that she enjoyed playing Quidditch.

At first his face showed no reaction, but then he grinned. "Didn't know you played. Maybe you can convince Evans to try out too."

Shannon smiled politely at this, even though hearing James talk about Lily always felt like a stab in the heart to her. "I doubt it." She finally said and gave a small wave, turning and heading towards the compartment she usually shared with the girls. She slid the door open and Marlene shot out of her seat, smothering her with a hug.

"Where have you been?! I thought that you weren't even on the train and we're about to leave!" Marlene started helping her with her things immediately, before both girls sat down and settled into their seats. "You know Lily takes her prefect duties very seriously, so I've been sitting here waiting for you."

The girls chatted about their summers, even though they had been in constant communication through letters. Shannon waited until Lily was back to tell them both her plans for the year.

Lily eventually pulled the door open and joined the two girls, giving them snacks from the trolly. After catching up with her as well, Lily started to complain about James Potter. This was one of their most discussed topics. "I think he told me that he's the Gryffindor Quidditch captain like, five times already. And he's probably asked me out about as many times too." Lily rolled her eyes, although Shannon could see that there was less annoyance in her face than usual. Maybe she was finally warming up to him. Of course Shannon wanted her friends to be happy, but the thought of seeing her in a relationship with James made her heart drop. She chose to shove that thought away for now.

"I actually told James I want to try out for the team." She told the girls, the only two that knew she played Quidditch at home.

"Really!" Marlene exclaimed, the candy she was eating shot into the air in excitement.

"Oh! That's great, Shannon. I know you've been thinking of it for years!" Lily added encouragingly. "What made you change your mind?" She asked. Shannon had told the girls for years that it was just a hobby, and that playing for the school would ruin the fun.

Shannon shrugged and thought for a moment before she answered. "I realized I'm letting the years at Hogwarts kind of pass me by. I want to start putting myself out there more, I guess." She a shared shyly, although her friends both jumped to hug her at the confession.

"This years going to be the best yet." Marlene said after they all settled down, and Shannon had to agree. She knew it was going to be a good one.

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