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Wednesday's quickly became one of Shannon's favorite days of the week, all because of Remus Lupin. She was already doing better in her classes than she had in previous years, and she didn't dread doing certain assignments like she had in the past.

This week, they were working on another History of Magic paper. Shannon sat down and flipped her book open, not noticing that Remus just sat, without grabbing his book or paper.

"What are we writing on this week? Oh right..." she scanned her textbook, finally landing on the desired page. "The Werewolf Code of Conduct." She said, finally looking up to meet Remus's eyes. It was then, that she noticed he had already written his entire paper. "You didn't wait for me?"

Remus shook his head slightly and looked at his paper. "I couldn't sleep one night, so I uh... got a head start."

Shannon reached her hand out for it, Remus handing her the completed paper. He eyes scanned over it. "A head start? You're already done writing this!" She said, then realized she needed to keep her voice down. "How did you even know some of this stuff?" She asked, noticing some facts that were not in the class textbook.

"I used some extra books... it mentions Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in the text, so I looked at that too." Remus shrugged, fidgeting with the ends of his sleeves.

"Mmm.." Shannon hummed and have Remus back his paper as she began to write her own. "Why'd you even come to the library then? You could've told me you were taking a break." She smiled to herself.

Remus was quiet for a moment, pulling a book out of his bag. "It's okay, this is the best place to catch up on reading." He said in excuse, leaning back in his chair. "Plus,  if you need help, you can use my paper."

"Thanks." She smiled at him, keeping her head down as she read more on the topic. After a few minutes of silence, she voiced a question she had. "I don't understand why the werewolves wouldn't sign up to be on the list?" She sighed, rereading the text. "It's safer for everyone, plus it says they were to be treated the same... just during the full moon they'd be somewhere safe..." she trailed off, still reading.

"Um." Remus said, sitting upright in his chair. He grabbed his paper, making a show of looking at it for the answer. "Well." He started, still staring down at the words on his paper, despite not reading them. "Not every werewolf had good intentions. And even the ones who did... they were scared of being treated differently in society." He finally glanced up at Shannon.

"That doesn't make any sense." Shannon argued. "Do you have Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them on you?" She asked, Remus pulling it out of his bag for her. She flipped to the back of the book, quickly finding the section on Werewolves. "See, it says here... "the otherwise sane and normal wizard or Muggle afflicted transforms." Also, it says that the classification as a dangerous beast only applies to the transformed wolf." She closed the text and looked at Remus. "So there should be no reason for them to be treated differently outside of the full moon."

There was a sadness in Remus's eyes that Shannon couldn't quite place. He met her eyes with an intensity that she had never seen before. Her stomach flipped, and she wasn't sure whether it was a good or bad feeling. "You must have... very tolerating parents." He started, only to stop talking when the library door slammed open.

"Thompson! I thought I might find you here!" James said as he entered the room, speaking at a volume which indicated  that he had never set foot in a library before.

Shannon stood up and shushed him, James stopping by their table. "Just wanted to tell you the practice schedule. Are you ready?" Shannon rolled her eyes and waited, only to grab her notebook and start scribbling down dates when she realized he was giving her the entire schedule.

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