try outs

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Shannon and the girls were chatting about how classes had been going so far as they ate their breakfast. It had only been a week, but they all agreed that the classes had been much more challenging than in previous years. Shannon had a vague sense that they had had this same conversation in years prior, but none of them brought that up.

"Oi, Thompson!" James Potter said suddenly. Shannon dropped her fork in surprise. She hadn't even noticed the boys walking past them, but suddenly they were joined by the four Gryffindor boys in their year. Shannon ignored the looks of shock from her two friends and turned towards James to see what he wanted. "Try outs are this Saturday if you're still interested. At noon." He talked as he scooped bacon and eggs onto his plate.

"I thought you begged us to sit here so you could ask Lily out again." Sirius said with a glint in his eyes, Lily immediately rolling her eyes and directing her attention away from the boys. "I didn't know you played."

"That's what I said." James added. "But then I remembered your brother played for Hufflepuff, yeah?" He waited for Shannon to nod before continuing. "He was pretty good. Hufflepuff will be easier to beat now that he's graduated."

Shannon was about to reply, when James continued talking. Only this time, he was speaking directly to Lily. "I think you should try out too. It'll be a great bonding experience for us. I think it'll finally make you realize how in love with me you are."

"There it is." Peter chuckled while Sirius snickered to himself and Remus sighed. Marlene giggled, always finding it amusing when James tried to flirt with Lily.

Shannon ate quietly and tuned out the rest of the conversation. She realized she hadn't even spoken a word to James, despite him opening up the conversation with her. As much as she wanted this year to be different, it was easier said than done.


"I don't know if I can do this."

It was Saturday, and Shannon was pacing around their dorm room. Lily sighed in exasperation. They had had this conversation several times by now. "Marlene, she needs you." Lily told the girl, laughing as Marlene shot out of her bed and grabbed Shannon by the shoulders, lightly shaking her.

"This year has to be our best one yet. And you said that included you being on the Quidditch team!" She reminded Shannon.

"I know! I know." Shannon felt Marlene's hands let her go. Shannon brought her own hands up to her face and let out a quiet scream in frustration.

"Talk to us. What's worrying you?" Lily asked in concern.

"What if I'm not as good as I think I am? I've only ever played at home with my family." Shannon started, pacing around the room. "It'll be so embarrassing. I hyped myself up to James and basically said the spot is mine already. Why would I do that?" She sighed and fell onto her bed dramatically.

"That is kind of out of character for-" Marlene started, but Lily hushed her.

"No, it's not! It's the new you. And I know you're great at Quidditch. Freddie always said you were, he wouldn't lie." Lily brought up her brother, knowing that would calm her down.

"I guess." Shannon said and sat up, looking at her friends. "But what if I do get on the team and the practices take up too much of my time? The coursework this year is challenging so far." She added.

Marlene scoffed at this. "Really? That's bullshit Shannon. We waste so much time every year not studying, I think you have some time to spare."

This earned a laugh from the blonde, who had to agree. Her friends were steering her in the right direction. "Okay, you've got me. I guess I've got to go now." Her friends cheered her on, and the three Gryffindors left their dormitory together. Lily and Marlene wished her luck, going to sit in the stands while she joined the Quidditch team and hopefuls standing together on the pitch.

"Alright. Thank you all for coming." James announced once it was noon. Shannon's heart was pounding as she listened carefully to how the try outs would work. There were four of them trying out for Chaser, so they would have a scrimmage. James would be paired with two of the students trying out, while the other Gryffindor chaser would be with the other two. Somehow, Shannon ended up on the same "team" as James. She wasn't sure if this would work in her advantage or against her.

Shannon swung her leg over the broom and kicked into the air, flying up with the other players. She heard Lily and Marlene hooting in the background and she smiled to herself. She then turned her full attention to the game, knowing she only had one chance to prove herself.

She was soaring. Honestly, she couldn't believe how well the try outs went. The second the game started, it was as if her and James had an instant connection. They always knew where the other one was, and could pass the Quaffle to one another without any words said between them. Their team won the scrimmage, and Shannon couldn't help grinning to herself once they were all back on the ground.

"Great try outs everyone. You'll be finding out who made the team in a week. Again, thanks for coming out." James clapped and released everyone, Shannon rushing into the changing rooms to freshen up.

Upon exiting the changing rooms, she was immediately ambushed by her two best friends. "You were fantastic!" Lily yelled in her ear, Marlene nodding excitedly. "How did you even do that spin thing in the air, when you dodged the other player?" She asked, Shannon laughing.

"You'll definitely be on the team! You and James had such good chemistry. No one else was even close." Marlene chatted as they walked back to the castle. Shannon so hoped that she was right. Maybe it would be when James finally realized how in love he was with her.

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