Why are you doing this

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Tim- You're amazing

Lucy- No.

Tim- no, you're an amazing person. and you deserve so much better. *he pulls her in for a hug and kisses her on the head before walking away*

*Lucy stands there stunned not believing what just happened*

Lucy- what... *she starts crying and runs to her car*

(she starts driving and starts replaying the moment in her head. Lost in her thoughts she runs a red light and gets hit by an incoming car)

Random Driver- Omg! Are you ok, i am so sorry!

*Lucy lays unconscious on the floor*

Random Driver- *on the phone with 911* Hi, i was in an accident and the other driver is unconscious. She was ejected from her car, she's breathing but there's a lot of blood!*

911- Ok ma'am an ambulance is on the way!

(The ambulance arrives and it's Bailey and her partner)

Bailey- Where is the other driver?

Random driver- Over here

(they walk over to Lucy)

Bailey- OMG LUCY! Dispatch alert the hospital we have a car accident victim, possible internal injuries. Off-duty officer Chen! Alert Sergeant Wade Grey!

Dispatch- Ok! the hospital is ready and waiting

(they load Lucy into the ambulance and start her on medicated IV's. They arrive at the hospital and rush her to the O.R.)

*Sgt. Grey gets a phone call*

Grey- Hello?

Dispatch- Hello, is this Sergeant Wade Grey?

Grey- yes, who am i speaking with?

Dispatch- This is *insert name* calling about one of your officers, Lucy Chen. She was in an accident and is currently being taken Shaw Memorial

Grey- Omg- thank you for calling! Angela!

Angela- yes sir?

Grey- Lucy's in the hospital we have to go now

Angela- is she ok!?

Grey- I have no idea! Let Tim know and let's go!

Angela- ok! *calls Tim* Tim! Lucy's in the hospital meet me and Grey at Shaw Memorial

Tim- Oh my god, ok

(They arrive at the hospital and are in the waiting room)

Dr- Anyone for Lucy Chen?

Grey- that's us! How is she?

Dr- She suffered a major concussion, and a piece of glass went through her stomach but we were able to remove it and stitch her up nicely. She should make a full recovery.

Grey- That's amazing news.

Dr- She will be transferred to the ICU in a couple hours, I will come get you later

Grey- thank you!

Angela- how is she?

Grey- She's gonna be just fine. *he sighs in relief*

Angela- Tim do you know what happened?

Tim- I kinda... nevermind it doesn't matter.

Angela- you kinda what?

Tim- I broke up with her... She deserves so much better than me!

Angela- YOU DID WHAT! *slaps him across the face*

Tim- what was that for!?

Angela- You broke her heart Tim! She was probably so lost she wasn't thinking straight! That's why she was in the accident!

Tim- Don't you think i'm already feeling guilty? I don't need you telling me that too!

Grey- both of you calm down! Now!

Both- sorry sir.

(a few hours later)

Dr- you can follow me!

The Breakup (but a little different)Where stories live. Discover now