"Love me" {Yandere helpy x maintenance Reader}

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(Y/n)'s POV

Running...running...just keep running. If I slow down he mi-


I can hear him slamming into things as I ran into the nearest maintenance room, I pull my Faz-watch up close to my face as I see the door in the distance.

"Helpy! Is it ready yet?"
I said, panting between breaths as the sound of loud stomping followed from behind me.

"Yes! It's ready. Just run in and duck under the desk, I have one to the side for you."
Said helpy, the door opened and I ran in first as planed. I ran around the corner and ducked behind the desk. And right on queue, he can running in after me. The tall aligator animatronic was greeted by the front of a camera facing him, held by a smaller white and purple bear animatronic, standing on one of the machines as he held it up.

"Say cheese!"
Helpy called out as he flashed the camera at Monty, he stumbled back and I tackled him to the ground. He was stronger than me, but the flash should have blinded him enough to give me time. I pulled out the small blue chip from my pocket and inserted it under his chin. Just as it clicked in, I felt One of his hands grab me by my arm and tossed me into the air. I screamed as I hit the wall.

Helpy called, jumping off the machine and running towards me. I heard Monty groaning as he sat up on the floor, rubbing his throat as his other hand rubbed his eyes.

"Jeezes man.. What the heck was that for?"
Growled Monty.

"M-...Mandatory Heath chip.."
I panted, rubbing my side as I leaned against the wall.

"Mister Monty, You knew all animatronics are now required to have new heath chips. It was mandatory and it would have been a lot easier if you'd simply come here sooner."
Said helpy, looking at Monty he for turning his head towards me.

"Are you hurt (y/n)? Where does it hurt??"
Helpy asked as he circled around me, I rubbed up my arms as I answered.

"I'm okay helpy, atleast it wasn't a rough throw."
I said, trying to shrug off the stinging feeling I feel in my sides.

"Whats the point of us having these anyways? The daycare attendants I understand, but why us?"
Monty said as he got off the ground. Helpy did his best to help me off the ground as I brushed myself off.

"In case of any emergency and no employees are around, we need someone around in case a guest gets hurt."
I groaned as I brushed off my shoulders, feeling Helpy's small hands brush off the bottoms of my pants.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm going back to my room." Monty turned and was about to leave. "Next time don't sneak up on a guy when he's trying to sleep when you pull that shit again, (Y/n). Or I might break a bone next time!"
Monty and I never really saw eye to eye all that much. He was one of fewer animatronics that doesn't like people, I don't blame him. I just wish he'd cut me some slack...I'm just trying to do my job.

"(Y/n)? Do you need to sit down?"
Helpy asked, I looked down to see his big ol' cyan eyes staring back up at me. Eversense he went from an AI to an animatronic body, he's been clinging to my side a lot. I always found it kinda cute, and I never mind when he's around. I petted the top of his head as I gave him a reassuring look.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I've taken worse hits from that gator."
I said, letting out a soft chuckle. "Thanks again for helping me. You didn't have to do all this just to help me." I spoke as I started to move the machine back to its place as helpy followed me

"Mx.(Y/n), it is my duty and responsibility to make sure everything is going as it should be. Whether its repairs around the Plaza, or the tiniest code is misplaced, it's my job to ensure that everything is properly functioning! That includes You."
Helpy spoke, his face keep looking up at me as I turned to look back at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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