Chapter 1

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Emma's pov:

I wake up in my and rub the tiredness from my eyes. I use the bathroom brush my teeth and walk down stairs to the kitchen to see Christopher, my twin brother, at the dining table eating breakfast. "morning" I say in a sleepy voice "morning sis, I made some eggs and toast for you. Your plates on the counter" he says clearly more awake that I am. I grab my plate and a glass of milk and when I sit at the table i notice no one else seemed awake "Mark and Linda still asleep?" I ask. "Nope there gone" he says sounding slightly annoyed while handing me a note that reads

'Hey Kids,
We went to an adult cruise. Take care of yourselves'

I set the note down "your kidding me" I say now annoyed as well. "Wish I was...... At least they left us food. Remember that home where they wouldn't let us eat until our PERFECT?" He asks "How could I forget?! That house was a nightmare!...... I'm still convinced the first house I went to alone was haunted."

Me and Christopher have been in the foster care system since we were 10. We're unidentical twins and by some miracle we've only been separated 3 times in 5 years. Mark and Linda are our 7th house and as you can see they don't care about is as much as they might say they do. We finigh our food and kind of just sit there, summer break started last week so where not sure what to do. "Um..... Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask "I was thinking we go to the park" after a few silent minutes I put my hands out and say "rock paper scissors" he gives me a look "what are we 7?" I roll my eyes "no where 15,now best out of 3 gets to do thire thing first" after 3 rounds....... He won "HECK YEAH! GO GET DRESSED!" He said a little too excited.

I go to my room and change into a black graphic T-shirt that said 'Sons Of Anarchy' right above a the grim reaper on a motorcycle, with a pare of black shorts. I would put pants on but it's summer and I get hot way to easily, so I'll stick with shorts. I walk down stairs and to the door to see a key hanging on the wall. I look at it as Christopher comes downstairs "what's that?" He asks "I think they left us a house key"

We decided to test said key and yes, it was a house key. We walk to the park and notice no one was there "looks like we have the park to ourselves" Christopher says. I smile and look at him "what?" He asks me with a confused look "race you to the swings" I say quickly right before sprinting to said swings "hey! No fair! We didn't count down, you cheated!" He shouts at me as he chases me. I win! I sit on the swing and watch as Christopher sits on the swim next to me "took you long enough!" I say dramatically. He looks at me "oh hush miss flash!" He says with a smile.

After a good minute of litterly just swinging I ask "hey that note didn't say when they were coming back did it?" "No, but I think they might be gone um.... A week?" He says unsure. "What if our social worker comes? What do we do?" I ask "be honest I guess, the worst that can happen is we get moved to another foster home" he says "what if we get separated again?" I ask hearing a sigh from Christopher "well..... We both know our social worker will do everything in her power to make sure we stay together. She always does" he explains. He's right, the only times we ever got seperated were when the situation were out of her hands. I'm still worried about it though. Like, what if we go to an abusive home again? We never know wether a home is safe or not.

After a few hours it started to get dark so we decided to go 'home' and watch a movie of my choice. "Emmaaa! We've seen the book of life a million timeesss!!" Christopher whines "that may be true, but you can't tell me it's not a good movie" I say sitting next to him. "I bet you just have a crush on Maria y La.... Um..... The sugar skull goddess!" He tries teasing. "You can't even remember her name! Plus who doesn't?!" I say honestly.


777 words
It's a little short than what im used to writing but that's ok

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