Chapter Eight - Frostclaw

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For the past moon, WindClan had been in an anxious state. Every warrior knew that sooner or later, Talonstar would once more launch an assault on RiverClan, this time with or without ShadowClan's help. Marshstar had backed out after their last defeat, only replying to Talonstar's summons with vague messages.

"That coward!" Talonstar had hissed when a ShadowClan messenger brought the news. He paced agitatedly around the leader's den, Frostclaw lurking in the corner and trying not to be noticed.

"Well I'll show him," Talonstar bared his teeth. "We'll take RiverClan's territory and be the strongest Clan around the lake!"

"We kind of already are," Frostclaw reminded him. "Discovery of those new rabbit holes will mean that as leaf-bare approaches, we will starve significantly less than any other Clan, perhaps even less than RiverClan."

"Serves those mange-pelts right!" Talonstar said gleefully.

"With Juniperfur's kits so young and her mate, Shaftstripe, already seriously injured from out last battle, is it really the wisest move to throw our Clan once more into conflict?" Frostclaw asked, keeping her tone as cold and neutral as possible.

"No! Of course not. If Shaftstripe is too injured, he can stay in camp and help guard it. But we must invade RiverClan."

Frostclaw was shaken from her thoughts as Strongclaw, one of the senior warriors, prodded her.

"It's nearly dawn," he whispered. "Should I take a patrol?"

Frostclaw stretched and fluffed out her fur. "Yes, do that, and take Wanderheart, Eaglerise and Streakshine with you. Actually wait, replace Wanderheart with Rabbitear. I'm worried she's still too weak after her injuries in the battle and kitting at a young age."

Strongclaw purred. "Don't let her hear you say that. She's a stubborn one with so many goals. Have kits, and still be a warrior."

Frostclaw groaned. "She's so young, and her kits are so tiny! Wanderheart really makes me feel the seasons."

"You're not too old yourself," Strongclaw teased as he walked around the warriors den, shaking the cats that Frostclaw had picked for the border patrol. They shook themselves and followed him out of camp.

Frostclaw darted outside and felt the early morning sun warm her pelt. Cats were already gathering, and she climbed onto Tallrock to begin assigning tasks for the day.

"You all heard Talonstar's plans to conquer RiverClan, which means that we have to prepare extra well. Today, I want all apprentices to do battle training. This morning, Driftpaw, Thornpaw, Hedgepaw and Friskpaw will go out first with their mentors, and come back by sunhigh. After that, Sliverpaw, Owlpaw and Stalkpaw will go out to train, and I expect you guys to be back by a bit earlier than dusk. Got it?"

She waited until the cats and their mentors had nodded.

"Okay. Quickwind, after the first batch of apprentices come back from battle training, I want you to take Leapwhisker, Fogpelt and Swayleaf on a hunting patrol to the outskirts of the moor. I've been avoiding that place on purpose, and now is the time to see if prey is running well. Downyfeather, I want you to take Flamewing, Rosepool and Dandelionfur on another hunting patrol, this time in the central moorland. The rest of you should spend some time hunting and reinforcing the camp. I will announce sunset patrols later today. Thanks."

She lightly jumped off Tallrock, and followed Smokefur as he led the apprentices onto the moor.

"Hey, Smokefur," she called. "Where are we going?"

"To the sandy clearing," he replied, as Frostclaw nodded in approval.

They were there in heartbeats, with the four apprentices lined up eagerly and working their claws in the sand.

"Thornpaw and Hedgepaw, I want you two to pair up. Driftpaw and Friskpaw, you'll go together. We'll be practising offensive moves today," Leapwhisker said as they got there.

Frostclaw split off with Smokefur, taking their apprentices to the other side of the clearing.

"The first move I'm going to teach you is one of my own," she explained to the excited apprentices. "Smokefur, will you help me demonstrate?"

"As long as you don't break my spine in the process!" he joked. Frostclaw purred in amusement.

"I want you to pounce at me, as high as you can," Frostclaw instructed.

Smokefur nodded and stood several tail lengths away, his haunches pressed low against the ground and his eyes narrowed with concentration. Then, with a powerful press of his hind legs, he launched himself at her. Frostclaw saw the next few moments in slow-motion, as she often did.

As the dark-furred warrior was jumping she was already running, so that as he reached the highest point of his jump, she leapt up underneath him and hooked her claws into his belly fur - albeit without actually hurting Smokefur. Then, she used that momentum to drag him into a backflip with her, and landing up on top of him with her claws perfectly resting on top of his throat.

"Wow," Thornpaw breathed, admiration shining in his eyes. "It was like watching a bird!"

Frostclaw smiled at him. "We're going to split it into two parts - firstly where you learn to run directly underneath your opponent's highest point of their leap. This requires enormous speed. Hedgepaw, you leap at Thornpaw first."

As Hedgepaw jumped, Thornpaw tried to slide under him. However, he was too slow and the two apprentices collided.

Thornpaw shook out his fur, looking disappointed.

"That's okay," Frostclaw said encouragingly. "I didn't get it the first time either. We have all morning, so take as long as you need."

By sunhigh, Frostclaw was exhausted.

Training two eager apprentices had taken up all of her energy. Smokefur collapsed beside her, with a squirrel in his jaws.

"Wanna share?" he offered.

"Thanks," Frostclaw said gratefully. "That would be awesome."

She bit into the flesh, feeling the warm blood seep into her mouth. After they had finished, Frostclaw licked Smokefur's head as thanks for the meal, and padded off.

"Hey, little claw!" Quickwind greeted her, coming back from the hunting patrol. "I saw you getting all close with Smokefur over there... maybe everybody's favourite warrior will finally find a mate!"

"You're so funny," Frostclaw said. "Smokefur only has eyes for Leapwhisker."

"If that's the case, then it's about time he made a move," Quickwind snorted. "Soon she's gonna find another cat, or grow old to have kits."

"I think he's making a move now, actually," Frostclaw whispered, gesturing to Smokefur with her head.

He was casually approaching the she-cat, tail sticking straight up in the air. He whispered something into her ear - Leapwhisker looked delighted as she followed him away.

Frostclaw heard herself sigh wistfully.

"Still nobody?" Quickwind asked.

"Yeah," Frostclaw said.

Quickwind looked saddened for her sister. Her own mate, Strongclaw and her were already expecting kits - although it had only been a week so you couldn't really tell yet.

Frostclaw glanced her sister up and down. "You probably should go rest."

"You're right," Quickwind said quietly. "Have you considered looking outside the Clan?"

"You must be joking," Frostclaw laughed. "Talonstar would kill me - no, even Snowfur would kill me. Perhaps StarClan just wants me to be alone."

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