Chapter 4

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Mom p.o.v

Ughh where do I start 🤦🏽‍♀️ I know I can do some
Messy things but I've been through so much in my life it still affects me and my kids! I was raped at the age of 10 by my own fucking father. I'll never forget how he fucked my life over ... 17 years  earlier...
You always coming home drunk putting your hands on me ! I hear my mom yell I think it was about 2am my dad would come home from work he say but dad had a whole other family on the side he was a completely different man when it came to those people I never told mom because he told me he would have to kill the both of us if I told his biggest secret. Glass clashing .. you watch your fucking mouth when ur talking to me I hear my dad say. You and your little bitch ain't shit aint
Gone ever be shit I hate you! You stupid hoe you was a hoe when I met u and your forever gonna be a hoe  get yo ass in there and get my food and the next time I come home I better have a hot meal ready he mushed her head against the fridge and walked away to the living room while taking a swig from his bottle of liquor. I see you peaking come here to daddy. My eyes got big and I put my head between my knees! Bring yo ass here girl ! He said  I jumped up and walked over to him give daddy some suga I started to back up going
Back to towards my room dont u run from
Me he yelled i ranned so fast to my room and under my bed come back daddy would
Never hurt u I screamed for my mom but I got no answer mommy ! Help me ! Vick I have ur food ready baby now come on my mom said with a plate in her hand im not hungry he said why are u bothering her let her sleep come back downstairs she said what did u just say to me he slowly turned around towards my mom and said what the fuck did u say Vick you need to leave and never come back my mom cried she said shaking I get from under the bed on the other side of my bed and he turned to walk towards me but my mom took the gun off safety and said Vick leave! My fucking child alone ! All this time I didn't think she was listening to me all those times I told her what he do to me when she's asleep he walked towards her calling her a stupid bitch she shot him in his shoulder he kept walking and she shot him again this time in his leg he fell down to the ground and she stepped on his neck I hate you you sick bastard ! I'm taking my child and leaving I should kill you ! Bitch I yelled mommy no she looked at me and said come
On Vick was there just crying and pleasing her not to leaving him there mama grabbed her keys and her purse and we left and never looked back Atlanta was the new start and I was just happy that it was over but when we got there it seems like everything was gonna get better for us but i guess not 🤦🏽‍♀️mom started hanging out and bringing men around having parties every night🤦🏽‍♀️ than I found out that she had got hooked on drugs too I was 13 when my mother overdosed from fake pills I had no family here I had to make a way for myself. I was just sitting on a curb when I met Mary dad
I was sitting outside of a barbershop when he was standing there smoking a blunt escorting his client he was soo damn fine that man was the man of my dream's!! What's up what's ur name he said to me stooping down to sit next to me on the curb you don't know me so u may as well get up and move around I said i want to get to know you ma he said my name is Monroe what's urs? I'm manny but everyone just call me Big man he said well nice to meet u  manny I like that name better I said blushing okay dimples what are u doing out here all alone like this I just held my head down and I lifted right back up I'm actually looking for a job but I lost everything I'm a house fire I said sadly. Pick ur head up lil mama it's gone be okay this my shop right here and I can help u get on ur feet it u let me he said suckin his lips. I just feel this weird feeling in my stomach I guess that's when I found out I was in love with him he taught me out to cut hair and to run the shop the bitches hated me the always came up asking me if we were fucking he told me not to pay them bitches no mind and just get my money and that's just what I did. Alright gentleman I will see y'all tomorrow alright now be safe out there they said I didn't see manny anywhere in the shop but he definitely was outside with a female in his face alright lil lady u be safe I didn't say nothing
To him I just kept walking towards my hotel I managed to get that working at the shop being
That all the men tip me 100$ or more I've been okay. But I fell in love with someone that I can't have shit was hurting my heart bad! Phone ringing.... I grabbed it and looked at the unknown nun nobody has this numbers but manny and my clients wtf i answered it and at first it was silent but that a deep voice spoke HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABYGIRL😰 my stomach dropped down to my ass! Who df is this stop playing on my phone it's been 3 years since my mom died and i hadn't celebrated my birthday since she was gone i look at my phone and check the date and it was my birthday july22nd nothing happened about this day but I am 19 now I blocked the number and was getting ready to take a shower until I heard a knock on my door I grabbed a knife and my pepper spray and yelled who is it ! And look through the peep hole all I see was money and roses it's me baby ! It was manny I put my weapons away and let him in hey why u block me that was my other number he said on I thought it was someone playing on my phone aweeee this is so cute whats all this for isn't ur girl gonna be jealous about u doing these nice things for me I said that's why u didn't say goodbye to me because I thought that was my bitch she's the one who put all this together for me that was my sister Tia he said laughing oh well what's the pretty dress and stuff for I asked sarcastically I was jumping in my body so bad lol so happy I heard it was ur birthday that's what the og at the shop told me. Yeah it is but I dont celebrate.  Well we are tonight get urself together and meet me outside okay I put on this cute rose red dress on it hugged my figure soo good ass was poking an all I did my make up and we went on a nice candle light dinner so I wanna ask u to be mine Monroe he said while we're eating our food we was laughing joking until his face got serious and he asked me that . What do u mean manny ? You know what I mean I want u I want all of u he said. Yall know I said yea and every since that night we been rocking yea u still had to deal with the hoes but I didn't care he moved me out of that hotel and he bought me everything I ever wanted and I love every bit of it we're laying down in the bed and he just rubbing on me. I love u baby he said I love u more baby he hovers over me and kiss me from my neck to my thighs I put my hand on his shoulder and told him I didn't think I was ready he assured me that he was gonna be gentle and that it's gonna be okay I let go and relaxed his was tongue explored my box and I loved every second of it mmmm don't stop baby I said breathing fast at this point he's stroking this two fingers in me and it felt Amazing when he got done he kissed me with all of my juices on his face and asked if he could keep going and we did allll night long !!! 6 weeks later I found out he was a king pin and that he wanted me to be his trap queen I stood by his side but I was sick ash baby I don't feel
Good can we just stay home I whined baby something went down at one of my traps we gotta go he said rushing
Out the door when we pulled up the trap
Was on fired and all his men were dead he was about to hop out the car but I stopped him bae please don't u don't know whose out there I cried he got out anyways and told me
To stay inside not to long after I heard shots manny manage to get over to the car and gave me a box with a lock on it he told me to give it to his baby girl and I had no idea what he was talking about I wanted to get out the car and help but a bunch of men were coming and I just had to hurry and pull off ! When I got as far as I could I pulled over to
Throw up I haven't even ate any thing I drove myself to the hospital and they told
Me that I was 3 months pregnant and that is how I needed up with Mary. I haven't heard from manny at all but I knew he was dead 😣 I struggled to raise the baby on my own but I managed to do what I needed to do it took a big tole on my an got introduced and the stripping business and than I met the twins dad and he was a accident a one night vip the bitch can't stay outta jail I hate him but I love my girls I gotta get off these streets and take better care of them I just had this one vip and he was a big time drug dealer to but u could
Tell he's a rookie After I stole Mary's money I had to find a way to pay it all back I slipped a lil something in his drink and took his whole
Duffel bag full of money and ranned out of the club making sure no one saw me  were
Leave this place I wanna go back home
Maybe I could do better but who knows ! I hope Mary forgive me

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