Part 1.3

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Part Three
Episode One;
Map bitch

The moment Ivy followed Ant into classroom 5D, she wanted to turn around and run as far as she possibly could.

Every single student in the room was on the incest map, well, all except one, because for some unknown reason the new guy was there as well, cluelessly sitting next to Amerie, who was purposely ignored by every other person.

"Oi what the fuck are you two doing together?"
Spider asked with a pissed expression on his face when Ivy and Ant sat down at the table with him and Dusty.

"Oh you know, I was just giving him a wristy in the storage room. Dusty's next, the new dude over there gets his turn after, since I'm such a slut apparently."
Ivy sarcastically snapped at her brother, hating how he was already assuming things when she and Ant hardly even had a conversation.

Ant looked at the girl with blushed cheeks, doing all he could to hold in his chuckles that were desperate to be let out, unlike Dusty who didn't try to hide anything as he bursted out laughing at the sudden snap.

"Fuck off Ivy."
Spider rolled his eyes, throwing a piece of crumbled up paper to the girl's face, who just flipped him off in reply.

"So, guys, cemetery tomorrow?"
Dusty asked, changing the topic to create a less awkward vibe within the group of four.

Spider grinned, dabbing up his friend.

Ivy watched the two of them with a confused look on her face, not understanding what they were talking about, her confusion growing even further when Darren asked what was happening at the ceremony and neither of the two boys replied properly.

"You coming too?"
Ant whispered so only the girl next to him could hear, the other two boys being too busy teasing Darren to even notice their interaction.

"Coming to what?"
She asked in reply, slightly puzzled as to why she wasn't filled in on any of this, usually she got invited by the boys without even having to think twice, but she figured Spider was being a bitter bitch, which gave her a pretty good reason to go, just to annoy her twin.

"A bunch of us are going to the cemetery to drink and hang out, since we can't party at anyone's house anymore, thanks to Woodsy."
Ant explained, a soft smile on his face, trying not to show just how badly he wanted her to be there, hoping he could then maybe have an actual proper conversation.

"Yeah, I'll be there, thanks for the invite."
She smiled contently, she was still kind off pissed at Ant, and knew the two of them needed to have a talk sooner rather than later, but she loved any excuse to leave her house and just hang out with her friends, drinking cheap alcohol, so if that's what she gets for being nice to Ant for a bit, she was okay with that.

"Good, I mean I'd be fun to see you there, just to hang out y'know, casual."
Ant suddenly started to rant, quickly turning around right when the words left his mouth. He wanted to punch himself in the face with how embarrassing he was being.

Luckily for him, the teacher's in front of the classroom were trying to gain attention from the noisy teenagers right at that moment.

"Hi everyone, I'm miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo, kind of like 'yo-yo' but with a J."
The unfamiliar teacher introduced herself, causing half of the class to cringe at the awkward opening.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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