Chapter three: Master, I really apologize

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Eventually, Xun Yongdi was left breathing in the dust of Ru Yijing's departure. His expression of charity didn't shift, but took on a more meaningful undercurrent. Then, he retracted back his gaze and followed suit, trailing behind the endless queue of students that poured into the celestial hall.

Since Ru Yijing was at the forefront of this procession, and after the news of him 'tearing apart' his juniors' clothes became widespread amongst the lowerclassmen, it was no wonder that they were unwilling to stand in front of him, or behind him, out of fear he might just wipe their precious robes off with a swipe of his hand - they had witnessed his expert hand when it came to undressing, and really, he was much better than the little flowers at brothels!

Ru Yijing was submerged by looks of wariness, and could only bottle up the feeling of being wronged. No one in the hall knew that their 'senior brother' had been possessed by another kind of ghost, one that was not fickle, and didn't like destroying others' treasured clothes.

Gradually, the line thinned out, giving Ru Yijing the space to breathe. He quickly slipped into the premise, he, himself fearful that the protagonist shou would approach him again.

The room he entered was austere, lacking frivolous decoration and furniture. Its vaulted ceiling is a hundred feet high with carved stone and plasteel mingling in holy union. Thick columns of white stone line the edges of the room, providing a natural distinction between the central nave and the more passive sections of the court. Alleviated up high in the ceiling, were fairy-like lights that mimicked the stars of the wondrous night sky. They were woven together in wisps and tendrils, entangling within each other, a complex masterful scene that drew away one's breath.

If Ru Yijing ever saw the Nothern Lights, he assumed they would probably look similar to this. Unfortunately, he did not have the spare time to keep admiring the panoramic view, and was ushered to occupy a seat.

Carelessly, Ru Yijing plopped down into the nearest seat he could find. He had just only released a sigh, when he heard a gasp of familiar derived from his right. He received a terrible premonition, and upon looking out from the corner of his eyes, spotted... the protagonist shou, who was seated right beside him. It was too coincidental to be even called a coincidence. This was a miraculous encounter that the heavens hatefully bestowed! The fate of lingering death that Ru Yijing was attempting to flee from had taken a roundabout turn, and came back full 360 degrees.

He couldn't help but inhale a sharp breath. Contrasting his turbulence, Xun Yongdi's face held an excited, decorous smile.

"Senior, we meet again." He spoke very restrainedly, minding his public manners. "What a coincidence it is that we happened to sit right next to each other."

Ru Yijing was afraid to respond back to him, and only acknowledged the other with a faint nod. Xun Yongdi was already experienced with his senior brother acting in this wayward and deliberately cold manner, and did not take this offence to heart. Understandingly, he spoke of no more words and obediently turned to face the front.

Ru Yijing prattled inside of his head, unknowingly venting to the system, who listened quietly to his ramble. 'Fate really is so hateful. The one whom I was trying to avoid from the start, is sitting a mere 5 centimetres away from me.'

[ Don't worry. ] The monotonous voice assured.

[ Fate is a subjective contrivance that can always be altered. Host will find a way to cheat death. ]

The system's words, especially when spoken so blandly, somehow had a calming effect on Ru Yijing's erratic psyche. Ru Yijing managed to calm down, and faced the matter of life and death with an added collectivity. However, what still made his teeth itch with anxiety was that... An Shirong was about to appear soon. Normally, the celestial teacher would never have been bothered to visit breakfast get together, but it just happened so, that today was the day he decided to grace his students a visit. Ru Yijing was both anxious and excited, and meshed together, the emotions made him jittery, causing him to restlessly shift in his seat.

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