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  You are my sunshine
  My only sunshine
  You make me happy
  When skies are gray
  You'll never know, dear
  How much I love you
  Please don't take
  My sunshine away.


  "Yes, my child."

  "Please don't go away. Don't leave me, Mama,"

  "I won't, my love,"


  "I promise, buttercup,"

  "No, pinky swear!"

  "Oh, darling. Mama's not going anywhere,"

  "Promise me again?"

  "I promise, buttercup,"

  But it wasn't real. I woke up to find myself still at the palace, curled up in bed. I had not wanted to wake up knowing I was with Mom. But I was awake nonetheless. Mom appeared young and peaceful in my dream, and her smile was one I wished to see. She sang me her favorite song as I sat gleefully, allowing her to comb my hair. I miss her. "I wish you were here, Mom," I said next. I tried to fight the tears that were attempting to break free, but they were too strong. My emotions overwhelmed me, causing me to cry bitter tears. I could almost feel her presence. I wanted her to see the fine young woman I had grown into: the soon-to-be Queen of Spain and her grandson, the future King. The sound of the door interrupted my thoughts as I sniffled and wiped my face. Can not be the maids, I reasoned, knowing full well that I had not called for them. "Come in," I said, hoping it was the person I wanted to see.

  "I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" A head popped in, and I recognized it.


  "Hope I didn't wake you up from your sleep?" She asked as she walked in. She shut the door and smiled warmly.

  "You didn't," I replied with a faint smile.

  "How's my nephew kicking?" She asked, much to my surprise.

  "Nephew?" I looked at her, realizing she had not heard the news. "How do you know it's a boy? I pretended I had no idea what she was talking about.

  "I'm certain it's a boy," she said softly, her gaze fixed on my stomach.

  I didn't expect her to be so nice. The Ana I knew was bitchy, unconcerned about anyone, and bratty.

  "Has my brother come to see you yet?"

  I was curious as to why she was concerned. "No." I gave a brief reply. "Why are you here?" I yearned to ask.

  "You must be wondering why I'm here," it appeared as if she had read my mind.

  "Well, yes," I shrugged and asked. "Why are you here?" I gave a crooked smile. She must have come to gloat, I reasoned inwardly, not expressing my thoughts.

  "I have come to apologize," she said, surprising me.

  I raised my brow, curious to know why.

  "For my attitude," she paused before continuing; "I know I have been really bitchy..."

  I could not agree more. Yes, you have, I said in my mind. I paid less attention to the rest of her words because I didn't want to hear them.

  "What about a fresh start?" She paused again, then let out a sigh. "A new one. Yes!" She exclaimed as if she had won the lottery. "And since you're going to be my sister-in-law," she continued softly. "I would really like us to be on good terms," she said as she studied me intently. The entire incident seemed like a dream. First, it was the queen. And now...

  "So, what do you say?"

  I had wandered again.

  An echo brought me back to reality. "Sisters!"

  I paused and looked at her. She sounded genuine, but I refused to believe anything she said. "Did Luciano put you up to this?" I questioned her, perplexed by the sudden change.

  All she could do was laugh and wrap me in a warm embrace.

  The day had started out well, with Ana making peace. And, despite the jitters, I felt happy on the inside. Dressed in a loose flowery gown, I walked around the palace with the guards assigned to me. They were suffocating me, but the Queen thought it necessary for them to follow me. They were to ensure my safety.

  "Ortiz and Ruiz are to accompany you wherever you want. They are to keep you safe," those were her words.

  They followed me closely as I walked in front. I had no room to breathe, and I desperately wanted them out of my sight. "Can you all just stop?" I came to a sudden halt, visibly annoyed.

  "But, ma'am..."

  "No buts!" I cut them off. "I want to be alone. Do you have to accompany me wherever I go?"

  They dreaded looking at my face. "We are sorry, Ma'am."

  "We are only doing our jobs," Ruiz explained.

  I didn't want anyone following me around like a clingy weasel. And all I wanted was the father of my child by my side. "Where is Luciano, by the way?" I didn't know when I asked aloud.

  "The Young Master, Ma'am?" Ortiz spoke from behind.

  I abruptly turned around and asked, "Do you just put your mouth in things that do not concern you?" I had no idea why I was feeling this way. It was very unlike me, and I wanted to apologize.

  "I'm sorry, ma'am.

  I shrugged and stared down at my heels, pretending not to hear him. "Could this day get any more annoying?" I scoffed and removed my heels, preferring to walk barefooted.

  Luciano wasn't anywhere in the palace. It was unusual for him to leave without informing me. I tried to distract myself from thinking about him when I ran into Emilia. She and the other maids were sweeping the courtyard, and it appeared she didn't want to speak with me.

  "Your Highness," I could swear I heard her call. It sounded like she was mocking me. "Some queen—"

  I wanted to stop when I heard her scoff, but I ignored it because it was the least of my concerns.

  Emilia and I were very close, but now things were different. I was curious about how our friendship had veered off course. She had this striking expression that was never there. It could kill with a single look and was very concerning. It almost appeared that she didn't want to share the same air with me. Or was I just overthinking things? I tried so hard not to be concerned about her behaviour.

  "Good morning, Ma'am." "Good Morning." Unified greetings floated in the air. Emilia made no effort to exchange pleasantries with me. She only kept a straight face, and I could read anger and jealousy all over it. "It would have been me," she mumbled once more. She kept her gaze fixed on the ground, as if I were not there.

  What could have prompted her to act this way? I thought, worried about her. What did she mean by that, anyway? My mind drifted to her words. They rang repeatedly in my mind. It should have been me. Should it have been her? How? I walked, lost in thought.

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