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Chapter 1

Mrs. Zhao is a famous matchmaker in Changning Road. She is talkative and likes to chat with everyone she meets.

She came back from get off work at the textile factory that day and hurried to Mu Guohua's house. When she met acquaintances on the way and greeted her, she didn't care and just responded with a few words.

She had an urgent matter to go to Mu Guohua's house.

Mu Guohua is a fifth-level employee of a state-owned wine factory. He is in his fifties and will be able to retire gloriously from the state-owned enterprise in a few years. Mrs. Zhao came here today not for him, but for his only daughter.

When Zhao's wife rushed to Mu's house, Mu Guohua was not at home. His wife Wan Zhaohong was sitting in the middle of the room, stringing colorful transparent plastic beads from a wooden box onto a thin white elastic rope.

This kind of bracelet made of colorful beads has been very popular among young women recently. Wan Zhaohong did some handicrafts after get off work to try to save some money for buying groceries.

Wan Zhaohong saw Aunt Zhao coming in, and immediately put down her work and stood up to greet her, "Hey, Sister Zhao, are you off work? Is the factory busy today?"

"Busy, of course not, but I have more important things to do today!"

Aunt Zhao took Wan Zhaohong's hand and sat down, looking around and asked, "Where's Mu Rou? Hasn't she come back yet?"

"No, their chemical factory has been very busy recently, with meetings every day. As a secretary, she has to organize materials all the time, so how can she get off work so early?" Wan Zhaohong said and started stringing beads again.

Aunt Zhao didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point: "Zhaohong, I went to get information for you about yesterday's incident. Guess what happened?"

Wan Zhaohong's expression froze, and her movements slowed down unconsciously.

Yesterday, Aunt Zhao came to tell her about the person she introduced to Mu Rou. The person was Xu Jiachuan, the director of the machine tool factory.

This Director Xu is amazing. When he was transferred to the machine tool factory as the director last year, he was only 28 years old. At that time, the old employees in the factory protested, thinking that this young director had little experience and could not solve the long-accumulated problems in the factory, and asked the higher-ups to send a new director.

But this young factory director managed to withstand the pressure from inside and outside the factory, and within one quarter, he turned the machine tool factory, which had failed to meet the target for two consecutive years and had always been in the red, into a profit. When the bonus was distributed at the end of the year, the bonus of the machine tool factory was twice as much as that of other factories.

Factory Director Xu's reputation was immediately known, and everyone said that this factory director was not simple and had a good grasp of production. However, many people were pessimistic, because after all, Factory Director Xu was young, and he had a way to deal with production, but not necessarily with personnel relations.

The last two factory directors of the machine tool factory were transferred before they had worked for a year because the personnel relations in the factory were too chaotic. Each party had its own plans. If you don't buy my account, I won't buy your account. Some people were worried that this factory director Xu wouldn't last a year.

Unexpectedly, more than a year later, Director Xu is still doing well, and the smoky personnel relations in the factory have been effectively suppressed. The employees in the factory are increasingly supporting Director Xu.

The daily life of a female secretary in the 1970sWhere stories live. Discover now