moma? mommy? mama? mom?

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You placed the box with the.crittets in the front of your doorstep and opened the door carrying the box resting the box on your kitchen counter and opened the box the critters jumping out immediately and tried to get used to their surroundings. You took a good look at the critters this time and they were covered in dirt and dust and had some kind of pugent smell
"Hm seems like you guys a due for bath" you said
"What's that?" asked DogDay
"Is it a type of food?" Picky added
"Wait have you guys never had a bath" you asked
They all looked at you as though you were speaking another language they didn't know and the looked at each other and shook their heads . You sighed and guided them all to bathroom to explain and show them what a bath is you guided them to your bathroom and turned on the water and placed all of them inside one at a time then you grabbed shampoo bottles and poured some on all of them and scrubbed their heads and grabbed the over head shower thingy and rinsed them off and took them out one by one and tried them off with a hand towel and you guided them to the kitchen toale them dinner since they looked hungry.

You turned on the kettle and grabbed some some cup noodles you had left in your cupboard.
When the kettle went off you pored the water into the cup noodles and gave it to them with a fork and began eating as though they haven't eaten in months especially Picky
"Thank you for being so kind to us miss" DogDay gushed and all the critters nodded
"Oh it's no big deal sweetheart and you call me moama or mom or just whichever you like"
The critters spent most of the evening trying to get used to you and where you and their new home. You also got  used to the critters like their personalities and interests. When I 9pm hit you told the critters it was time for bed and and they snuggled with you in bed. (They got used to quickly and they seem very comfortable being around you)

Smiling critters x Motherly figureWhere stories live. Discover now