selection station

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First part:selection station

In order to complete the mission of humans on earth, the soul must live thousands of times in thousands of times and periods in the whole world. Every time this mission is finished, it enters another body in another form and continues its journey. The period of the first man, the period of Indians in tribes in North America.. King.. Warrior.. Rich.. Poor.. Chief. Slave.. Man, woman, old, young, child.. disabled and healthy and... in all The possible states the human soul must be placed in. After each test, enter the next stage, and again and again until you are complete, then the Earth mission ends.

When a life ends and the soul is free to continue its mission, according to the records of previous lives and its level, several bodies are shown to it with a summary of the general conditions of life, and it can choose which body to live.

A special corpse is like a file at the end of the piled files on the table, which would go to the end whenever it was his turn, it would be his turn again, no one would accept it, it would be placed at the end of the list again and... this cycle continued. He does not have the courage to accept and do it, it was left untouched from the beginning.

What kind of life does this body have that no soul is willing to accept and test. Billions of billions of times all the souls refuse to accept it. The soul of prophets, the soul of murderers, the soul of brave, brave warriors, the soul of lazy, strong, cowardly people.. It was offered to everyone, but no one had the courage.

It is strange! He is not disabled, he is not going to be killed, or even he is not going to decide the fate and lives of millions of people in his land and country. He is not going to make a device with which people can kill each other. Choose life for your mission.

From the body whose life had ended in a strange way, the files of his next life were shown and suggested to him, among them yes! It was also a special body. It was strange that a heavy silence enveloped everywhere. All the spirits stopped studying and seeing their proposed future lives and turned to that soul and that particular case of that body. It's strange how one of them was willing to do it in the end. The special soul screamed. I will do it only on one condition. This is the last body to complete the mission of life on earth. After a long pause and after returning from obtaining permission, the guardian angel accepted with a smile that no one had seen until that moment.

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