Chapter One: Where it started

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I sat there in a cold and dark room, waiting for death to come for me. The man was going to kill me. No doubt I was an FBI cop I had to help the child survive, though.

You might be wondering how this all started. Spencer Reid caused all of this if he would have listened to me once in his life.

I was a psychology major with an IQ of 186 and a photographic memory. The BAU hired me for a case in las vegas.

The date was October 1st, 2005,
I was hired by BAU because I had a psychology major, and they needed help with a case of a murder of a lady in Las Vegas casino Freida Demarco she was a hotel and casino owner who was found strangled inside her hotel room.

I was driving towards the BAU it was a long drive. I had to travel 2 hours to get to Quantico Virginia it was a rainy day also, which made matter only worse cause I hate driving in the rain.

I then pulled up to the building and got inside, ringing out my umbrella. I was soon met by a man, maybe late 40s or late 50s I could be wrong I'm bad at age analysis.

" You must be Dr. Y/N Y/L/N I am Jason Giddeon. I have read all about you. And your theories about the criminal minds. I am very pleased to be working with you, " He says, extending his hand towards me

I shook his hand, smiling back at him he seemed to be a good person anyway.

" No sir, the pleasure is mine. I am very excited to start this new chapter in my life, and it's an honor to work with you,"

I say as we walk towards the offices he filled me in on the case of Freida Demarco she was a wealthy woman who was linked with the mafia, but we can't find the mafia or its leader.

" I must ask, have you ever dealt with a case like this?" Giddeon asks me.

I kinda stayed quiet taking mental notes of the whole case, and I did go through a case like this before.

" Yes, sir, I did. If you don't mind, I don't want to talk about it. I'm really sensitive about it, " I ask politely

He shook his head yes and then gave me a piece of advice.

" I don't know what happened, but don't let it have control over you that's not who you are," He says to me.

We finally made it to the meeting room, and I saw about three boys, including Giddeon and two other girls.

" Everyone, this is Dr. Y/N Y/L/N she is a psychology major and will help is the new profiler for our team i expect we welcome her with open arms, " he says as he sits down.

They all introduced themselves as i smiled and sat down.

" Alright, Freida Demarco is a 33 year old woman she was found dead in her room her death is suffocation. We then found.." Hotch goes on as he tells more about the case.

I was looking in the evidence file, autopsy, and evidence. It all seemed strange to me. Why would a person do this to her?

I then heard a familiar voice, an annoying voice I didn't think I would hear again.

" You gotta be kidding me?" He says in an annoying tone.

I looked, and I saw him, Spencer Reid, my academic rival. Since college, he had a stupid haircut and was wearing his usual attire.

" What is she doing here?" He asks

" Spencer, this is Dr. Y/n Y/L/N she is a new profiler she's assisting us for the Frieda Demarco case. " Hotch says, stopping his lecture about the case,

Spencer wasn't exactly happy to see me as I wasn't either. I hate him ever since freshman year of high school.

He sits down, and he does not look up from the case file, and neither do I. The silence in the room was loud after Spencer came along.

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