Chapter six: Poker Face..

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I was in the bathroom, locking the door behind me, crying silently.

I slid my back down the bathroom door, placing my hands on my face with the guilt from my past truama.

Thinking why I couldn't save them like I should have, I should have done things differently.

With tears in my eyes and my throat feeling like it had barbed wire all around it.

I then cried for what seemed like hours, but it was only 5 minutes. I got up from the floor towards the sink.

The sink was a standard sink. I placed my hands under the hot water washing my face.

After I was done, I got out some medication for my head it had been hurting for the last few days because I had no sleep.

I took two, looking back at myself in the mirror. Derek did lie to me. I looked horrible.

The water kept going. I kept looking at myself in the mirror.

I then heard a knock outside the bathroom door.

"Y/n?..are you alright?" Spencer asks with a voice of concern.

I stayed quiet, and my throat still felt strangled from crying so much. The last thing I needed was Spencer, knowing he made me cry.

" I'm sorry, I am. I know you won't forgive me, but I just have to say sorry," he says on the other side of the door.

All I could feel was anger, anger he brought up my past, anger. I did not change my past.

"Y/n?.." he asks for me.

I stayed silent once more.

"If I don't hear anything besides the sink running, I'm kicking down the door," he says to me.

He must think I'm dead or something. Why would he care if I was dead he still would hate me.

I then opened the door to see him with a pitiful look.

I looked at him with red eyes and face, still unable to talk to him.

"Y/n, I'm sorry I made you cry," he says to me.

I then gave him a glare, he was sorry?, SORRY?!?.

"Look, I only showed my face because I didn't want you to worry. I'm not dead," I say.

"Okay, it's been a long time, and I heard you crying, then you stopped. I had to make sure you were okay," he says to me.

I then stopped glaring at him. Maybe he does care about me only a little bit, though.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, okay? I'm fine," I say to him.

" Come on, let's go back to the whiteboard. Let's find Melissa Ross," he says, trying to coax me out.

I did need to help. I needed to find that little girl.

"Fine, let's get this over with," I say, closing the door behind me and walking towards the whiteboard.

   Three hours later~

It had been three hours later, and we figured out a little bit more from the Ransom note. The tiredness got to me as I was flipping through the pages of a translator.

Spencer was out of the room getting coffee. I was sitting at the table blinking long and trying not to fall asleep.

I could not help it. I could not keep my eyes open.

I closed them, finally letting my body rest after not sleeping for days.

I woke up hours later with my face on a pillow and a blanket wrapper around me. My translation book was gone.

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