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At the first shriek of terror, Steve is already on his feet. It didn't take long to equip his wooden armor, shield, and golden sword before rushing out into the chilly night. The overhead lamp posts cast the village in a surreal glow, illuminating every crevice of the sizable grassland. Such a precaution is necessary to avoid monsters materializing within the walls of the village, but as experience proved time and time again, they were never safe.

Another scream sounds off near the northwest corner of town, which isn't very far- then another scream, and another. They stop being periodic and start blending together into one strong frightful chorus. From where Steve is standing, he can see no mobs nearby. Thankfully, they haven't reached this part of Everton, but others still need his help.

Tightly clutching the hilt of his sword, Steve breaks into a run. Cold sweat accumulates on his forehead as he hops a fence closing off a wheat garden. Subconsciously avoiding the unnecessary loss of useful crops, he jumps into one of four burrowed water columns and continues at his pace, splashing H20 everywhere.

Once he makes it to the other end, he jumps out and takes a right turn into a narrow walkway lined on both sides with houses. Some are not populated, with Everton's dwindling numbers not enough to occupy every residence. However, some very much are, and he can see proof in the form of a fleeing villager running straight past him and the sound of terrified screams growing ever louder.

That's when he sees it.

Only about seven meters ahead is a sight of pure chaos. In the stone wall sheltering this side of the village is a small gap as inviting to the creatures outside as a dinner bell. From it pours no less than eight of the same mindless abominations. Human-like monsters with rotting green skin, grimy clothes wet with slime, and hollow dead eyes. Nature's mockery of man. Zombies.

All of them slowly limp forward, sharing the same mindless, animalistic craving for living flesh. One zombie is not much of a threat on its own. Their intelligence is as slow as their speed. Large groups, however, are a different story. All it takes is one bite, and...

Something large comes barrelling past Steve, shaking the Earth beneath it with each heavy footfall. The hunter's shock is replaced with gratitude once he has time to process the guardian's bulking frame.

About time.

An Iron Golem springs to action, charging headfirst into the zombie horde. Raising its massive arms is enough to catapult two of the decaying monsters back over the wall from which they emerged. It proceeds to grab another in its inescapable grasp before slamming the growling mob head-first onto the ground, obliterating its fragile body.

Two more monsters approach the Golem's backside, clawing at its thin skin. Not taking lightly to being threatened, the formidable protector brushes them aside with a mighty swing- the impact doing enough to lay the false corpses to an eternal rest.

Steve is pleased with the Golem's performance. It took extra goods to convince Zuri to supply them with two of the fearsome mobs. Not that he blames the merchant for being so stingy. Three iron blocks and a pumpkin head aren't rare but are also not exceedingly common. Whatever the case, the purchase is proving to have been worth it. Maybe he won't have to lift a finger after all. Once the other Golem shows up, things will get very entertaining.

Drawing its two arms back, the mob with no purpose other than to defend and destroy brings them down on four zombies at a time, plastering them to the ground. Another green monster manages to crawl on the creature's neck and bites down on its flat head. While the Golem flails its arms to find the culprit, a couple more of the relentless carnivores attach themselves to one of the giant's bulky legs, tripping it in the process.

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