Chapter 1

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The moon was setting as Giyuu slowly walked into the door of his estate sweat dripping down his battered body. He has returned once again, the demons has been slain, he is alone but home again. Rest to him wasn't a given but an unlikely possibility training, slaying, meetings and all the other things left rest as an unlikely outcome of any given day. But today the terror of demons will stay in the shadows once the sun rises and Giyuu will have that time to himself. Giyuu's thoughts were interrupted as he heard strange sounds from inside his unkept, dusty estate. Giyuu opened the doors as they slid open as dust erupted as Giyuu hurriedly ran through the doors. Giyuu held his sweaty hands on his sword ready to unsheath in case of anything, as Giyuu eyes as gentle as the sea looked around from dusty door to dusty wall for anything that may strike. Giyuu heard well-wet noises coming from further inside his estate he could hear otherworldly movement from there. Giyuu moved through the creaky hallways and doors covered in spider webs and dust, to at last see the thing. It wasn't a demon nor anything Giyuu knew of but a round black as night blob. Giyuu watched as the large round eyes looked towards him it brought him a strange feeling. The thing moved closer to him as Giyuu moved his hand down the thing moved its wet body into Giyuu's hands, and Giyuu returned the favor petting It gently. Giyuu looked at the blob as it looked a bit more cheerful as Giyuu was petting them. When Giyuu stopped and moved away the blob moved towards him looking upwards at him with its large round cute eyes, Giyuu couldn't help but give in as he picked the blob up as he could feel how moist it was in his hands. Giyuu turned around from the dusty web ridden corner the blob was in and to the porch. Giyuu walked over there careful not to step on a spider or 2, once he got there he sat down as the blob looked joyful watching the sun rise over the sliver stream each ripple was coated in the a golden gleam from the sun golden light, the sun parted the darkness right in front of them. Giyuu looked down as the Blob next to his leg could only watch in awe. Giyuu looked up along side the blob as clouds became coated in a golden gleam by the gentle light from the sun, as Giyuu watched the rivers, springs, all the water below or around his estate mirror the radiant sunrise.

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