Chapter 3

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Giyuu looked upwards to see a Nakai walking over with a gentle smile on their face. As she moved closer Giyuu noticed her eyes become sharper, seeming to turn into a sharp glare. He looked above the blob on his shoulder, they shook rapidly, their pipul shrinking into a dot.

Giyuu tried to rest his hand on them but suddenly a flash in his mind interrupted him, a pile of trash surrounded by many black shapes just like the one on his shoulder.

Giyuu stepped back a bit blinking before another thing flashed in his mind, Crunch he saw a large broom slam down on his little friend and many others just like them rushing away.

Giyuu moved back a little one gentle tear streaming down his face as a memory faded into his mind, he saw his little friend just on the ground helpless as many others just like them rushed away helplessly.

The memory slowly faded from Giyuu's mind as he shoved his hand on his chest, breathing harshly rapidly. Giyuu looked to his shoulder his friend wasn't there, Giyuu turned around to see several shattered dishes on the floor with smushed food embedded in them, and even chairs and even tables knocked right over onto the angular ground.

Giyuu got up gliding open the door looking to the hallway, looking down to see many tar like splats on the floor. Giyuu looked right back up hearing a sharp cry of terror, he took a concentrated breath before rushing away following the path of splats on the once crystal clear halls and floors.

He looked ahead to a dead end where his friend was trapped with that Nakai holding the same broom he saw before. Giyuu rapidly breathed, pressing his hand onto the handle on his sword.

But then something happened looking at head to his friend, their tar like body grew rapidly as Giyuu watched his friend's eyes close thin tendrils unwinded from their body growing what looked to be neck ending in a head which eyes opened from.

Where their body once was grew another one of their round large eyes, and a hooked tail bursted from their body. His friend opened their new mouth revealing sharp teeth and an agonized shriek.

The Nakai walked away as Giyuu friend lunged at her arm, their jaws being locked onto her broom as the Nakai rapidly shook the broom, flinging them onto the cold hard ground.

The Nakai raised her broom only one strike away, Giyuu grabbed onto her arm, eyes wide with furry, before ordering "stop this madness." The Nakai turned around shaking furiously eyes widening before suttering"why do you feel the need to defend such a fiend,I was just trying to remove a pest from the building!"

"Ah yes just a "pest" which only crime was existing next to you, and why not I'm a demon slayer I always defend the innocent from creatures like you."After his retort Giyuu stared into the Nakai as she could only sutter.

Giyuu looked at his friend shaking violently on the floor,before moving towards them resting his hand onto their friend's shaken body saying "don't worry you was brave, you did well."

Giyuu friend movement slowed their tar like body going back to their old self "make sure to fix your mess."Giyuu looked ahead to the Nakai glaring at her, before resting their new friend back onto his shoulder as they dripped into his uniform.

Giyuu walked away from the stains halls and rooms only to see that same lady again "we're all sorry for the inconvenience that happened before, here take this." She handed him back his yen Giyuu gave her before.

"Thank you." Giyuu took the yen before swiftly leaving the Ryokan to see Kanzaburo on the ground looking up at him. Kanzaburo slowly got up raising one of his wings before slowly saying to Giyuu "hello Tomioka… how was your stay." "Okay.." Giyuu replied, looking towards his crow watching him slowly take flight above him.

Giyuu walked away as Kanzaburo slowly followed him just behind "hey Kanzaburo what's with your wing?" Giyuu said looking towards Kanzaburo flying a few feet behind him "my wings are cramped." Kanzaburo answered, flapping his silver tipped wings a little.

"Well ok, what were you doing before?" Giyuu asked Kanzaburo as he slowly replied "I flew back to the butterfly mansion to try to scout a clear route for us." Giyuu looked upwards towards Kanzaburo, noticing a small jab in between his feathers on his skin, as Kanzaburo picked up his pace.

"Hey Kanzaburo, did Shinobu give you that jab?" Kanzaburo flew over him pausing for a while to answer "no Tomioka, I got it a few nights ago from a large maggot like thing." Giyuu looked up, stopping in his tracks, only able to ask "what?"

Kanzaburo rested down onto a branch of a tree right next to a mid size suburban complex that has traces of moss growing on it "just like while I was flying just outside of the wisteria growing from the butterfly mansion, it just hit me.."

Giyuu just stared into Kanzaburo's eyes only able to reply with "could you continue?" Kanzaburo stretched his wings before continuing with "oh ok Tomioka, after I got hit I just couldn't move. The effects faded away after awhile."

Giyuu could only just stare at last, able to say "well that was interesting.." Giyuu turned around to hear someone say "did that crow just talk?" Giyuu quickly moved away along with Kanzaburo.

Giyuu looked ahead towards a small stand which had the salty scent of fresh fish and a few of them laying on wood. Giyuu slowly walked over towards the stand looking towards a guy.

"Um hello Mr. Would you like some?"he said looking upwards towards Giyuu as he answered "yes." Grabbing 30 yen from his pockets, giving it to them.

Giyuu watched tears fall from the guy face as he said "thank, thank you, what would you like?" Giyuu looked back, pointing his fingers towards a lightly roasted salmon laying on hard beige wood, "two of them."

The guy looked up towards Giyuu before rushing there small hands towards two salmon giving them to Giyuu. Giyuu looked at the salmon, each one bigger than the guy dirt covered hands before saying "goodbye." Grabbing the salmon and leaving.

Giyuu looked around and a dark alleyway covered in graffiti caught his eye. He walked in the area moving into the alley noticing some graffiti on a wall. "Friend you don't have to hide." Giyuu said, gently shaking his arm as his friend slowly dripped down out of his uniform onto the floor.

Kanzaburo roost on the floor looking towards them saying "an interesting development at least.." Giyuu cocked his head towards Kanzaburo replying "At least they seems a bit better." Kanzaburo rested down a bit behind Giyuu watching from afar.

Giyuu looked back down towards his friend, seeming to shake a bit, growing and shrinking in a way similar to breathing harshly. "Don't worry friend." Giyuu holding his roasted fish right above them.

They looked towards the fish there, pipul rapidly widening, moving towards the roasted salmon as Giyuu dropped it for them. They moved their tar like body towards the salmon moving their face on it, seeming to eat it.

Giyuu felt a sort of rhythmic sound coming from the blob of darkness again this time more rapid and intense, their pipul grew to be almost the side of their eye shaking rapidly.

Giyuu looked up to the darkness a few more shapes like his friend slowly moving towards the roasted salmon. It went from one taking a small bite out of the salmon, to an uncountable swarm of them swarmed the fish until not but there many bodies were visible.

Kanzaburo jumped back taking flight above them eyes widening before saying "goodness Tomioka..." soon not but dust remained of the salmon as most of them left back into darkness, but one remained Giyuu little friend.

Giyuu held his salmon in his hand and only a few bites were taken out of it "Mr Tomioka what are you going to call it?" Giyuu turned his head around saying "um how about Blob?" "Alright Tomioka." Kanzaburo flew away back into the townscape.

Giyuu looked back to his friend, Blob "Blob we need to leave, friend." Blob looked up to Giyuu their eyes widening before crawling up Giyuu arm resting onto his shoulder.

Giyuu looked up seeing Kanzaburo black silver tipped feathers leaving the alleyway and following the trail, soon seeing his crow.

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