Chapter 2

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Giyuu looked up as the sun rose, night and demons were gone for the day. Giyuu looked down at the thing below him, the blob of darkness seemed to not be affected by the sunlight, unlike demons that would be burnt to a crisp with even a drop of sunlight, the blob next to Giyuu seeming to be in one piece still.

Giyuu looked into its round large eyes watching as it moved towards his sword.It looked at Giyuu with its large eyes, before dipping his round body towards the sword holding it on their face. Giyuu couldn't tell if the thing next to him had a mouth,the sword just stayed there on its wet round face.

Giyuu rested his hand onto the thing's body, black color deeper than even the night sky. It felt wet yet still it squished when Giyuu pushed down, rising right back up when Giyuu moved his hand away. "I have to say you're kind of well, cute."Giyuu looked into those eyes as he knew no reply would come,Instead the blob of darkness moved slightly quicker. Giyuu just sighed, not expecting much more.

Giyuu got up looking down towards the waters below the estate,turning back at the thing beside him, seeming to join in watching the water. Giyuu looked as the blob turned its round body towards him, staring at Giyuu with their large round eyes seeming to try to move towards Giyuu soft blue eyes. Giyuu couldn't help but give in, putting it onto his hands then letting it move towards his shoulder. Giyuu walked away from his lonely estate to below.

Each grass blade Giyuu saw was crisp green and each blade shined in the morning light. Giyuuu looked ahead to a gentle river sitting down, the blob on his shoulder moved towards the water, its eyes growing wider looking into the stream. It swam into there, seeming to make a rapid rhythmic sound,sounding like purring?  Giyuu stepped a bit closer to the water, noticing its pupils growing and moving as it swam.

Giyuu watched from on the riverbank in soft warm grass as he felt something toward the blob of darkness in the water, warm. Giyuu loved the little blob in the water but didn't know it, and only watched from afar, but he heard the flapping of wings and a familiar voice "Tomioka greetings, the insect pillar has requested you to go to the butterfly mansion." Giyuu looked upwards at his crow watching them land on the grass,saying "Thank you Kanzaburo, I will be meeting her shortly."

Kanzaburo looked away from Giyuu as he stared towards the blob in the water as it slowly moved towards it"what?" Giyuu turned his head towards the crow in front of him quickly replying "don't worry,they seem to be fine." Kanzaburo looked ahead towards Giyuu before simply flying away. Giyuu looked at it watching the blob of darkness move towards him, still purring softly.

Giyuu watched as it moved towards his sword holding onto it, next it moved towards him as Giyuu couldn't help but let it move into his hand. Giyuu could feel the strange wet yet solid texture in his hands it felt odd, It moved off his hand onto his shoulder resting there on the red side of his haori,Giyuu watched looking into its big wide eyes looking back into his,he heard Kanzaburo again.

"Mr Tomioka?" Giyuu cocked his head towards his crow moving towards him following him from nearby. Giyuu looked around noticing mighty trees, small gentle creeks, or even deep ravines he moved past. As he moved deeper it seemed like it was becoming rapidly darker as quickly not a ray of sunlight dared enter the deep canopy above, but Giyuu followed Kanzaburo trying not to listen in on all the cracking and sounds from the darkness. Giyuu's eyes moved away from the white shapes in the dark, some looking like eyes, some not, even sharp snaps of the twigs and branches he tried to ignore. Giyuuu looked upwards to the crow gliding slowly, feeling the need to state "Mr Kanzaburo, this isn't a usual path towards the butterfly estate."

Kanzaburo turned his head towards Giyuu replying in a calm, shaky tone "If I remember, I think the usual way you got to the butterfly mansion was damaged by demons,it's very unsafe for even a Hashira to enter and move through." Giyuu just stared at the crow looking at its silver tipped body to ask "..And a dark forest full of who knows what is safer?" Kanzaburo stared into Giyuu looking around back and forth.

Kanzaburo voice was shaky but he rasped "well it's deep, full of damage and pretty sure there are some broken buildings which could easily crush anyone, even you." Giyuu ended this explanation with "I understand Kanzaburo, I won't argue with you." Kanzaburo looked at him gracefully, next he looked away flying head on further away. A sudden familiar sound Giyuu noticed, the unsheathing of a blade and a sharp hiss.

He heard another familiar sound of blades clashing and sparks firing,a descent into the ground he heard a sharp groan from Obanai. "Tomioka, why did you interrupt a fellow Hashira?" Giyuuu looked at Obanai watching as he breathed harshly and replied "it was them." Pointing towards the thing on his shoulder still holding his blade.

Obanai eyes widened the twisted blade still in his hand before saying "what do you mean that fat thing blocked a slash from a Hashira, what next demons can be good?" Giyuu frowned a bit more, his eyebrows furrowed as he replied to this statement with "Yes they did Iguro." Giyuu could tell how that ruffled his feathers or in this case shook his scales as he angrily ordered "Both you and that hideous rotund beast get out of my sight." Giyuu felt like giving a retort so obvious he didn't know how Obanai didn't see it with his multicolored eyes "have you ever considered closing your eyes,or not looking up?"

Obanai couldn't even reply, just stare at him eyes widen cocking his head but not forgetting to leave a sharp glare before exiting. Giyuu just looked into at Obanai leaving, once Obanai was just back into the darkness Giyuu noticed his crow flying back over towards him saying "Tomioka I notice a town near by to rest at."  Giyuu replied to his crow with "thank you Kanzaburo." Giyuu followed his crow walking in circles only a few times but at last they made it to the town.

It wasn't the biggest ever but it currently had a place to stay in a Ryokan. Giyuu walked through the hall, each wall covered in rectangles and other uniform shapes,at the front was a lady with bags under her eyes looking straight at Giyuu asking "hello Mr would you like to stay?" Giyuu thought of what to say hello, hi, um yes as he looked around trying not to stare at her,she interrupted his thoughts with "you can stay for 100 yen."

Giyuu stared at her blinking quickly before feeling the need to say "that seems cheap…" Giyuu watched as she replied to him with "you don't need to pay that much, I know your group is always traveling and saving so I don't feel the need to ask you to pay as much." Giyuu looked at her looking back and forth slowly before being able to state "well thanks here you go." He gave the lady 100 yen before walking away.

Giyuu walked away through the hallway as the blob on his shoulder seem to move a little bit more,their pupil grew larger slowly as Giyuu soon spotted food,some fresh juicy fish sushi and other pleasant foods. Resting down he looked at few others probably tired like him and he with the blob still firmly on his shoulder waited.

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