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another year at hartley high, friends, fun, education. evie didn't fancy getting out of bed. "evie come on or i won't be able to give you a lift!" mike, evie's father called from downstairs.

"ugh fine!" evie grunted as she got out of bed, legs swinging over the pink painted bed frame before slipping on her crocs to go to the bathroom. the blonde looked at her hair which definitely needed a wash and the bags under her eyes.

after dousing her hair with dry shampoo and fixing her under eye bags with some concealer, evie peeped out of her window and saw the weather wasn't great. she put on some low waisted jeans, a red shirt with a white hoodie and a body warmer. the blonde ran outside with her toothbrush hanging from her mouth, looking down at it before huffing and running inside to throw it in the kitchen sink, the blonde got into her dads car and shoved on her new balances.

"you look nice." mike commented as evie put her feet up on the dashboard and snagged a piece of gum from the pot in front of her. "you excited for school?"

"not at all, i just want this year to be over with it's the last year before i go off and be a big girl. oo can we stop at maccas?" evie asked, seeing the big yellow M sign in the distance. "i really want a mcmuffin and an iced coffee."

"fine but you can pay this time i paid the other day." mike said, pulling into the mcdonalds drive thru per his daughters request. "get me a chicken and bacon mcmuffin and a cappuccino please kid." he asked as evie climbed over into the back seat to order their breakfast.

once their food was ordered, evie having ordered 4 hash browns plus eating her dads one and they pulled up to school, evie pecking her dad on the cheek before snatching her book bag from the back seat.

as the blonde walked into school she saw ant, spider and dusty sitting at one of the tables with dusty looking straight at evie as she took a bite of her had brown and a sip of her coffee.


"spider i will not hesitate to throw my hash brown at your fucking skull." evie retorted, before spider could get out one of his oh so funny nicknames. "morning ant, dusty." she handed a hash brown to her neighbour, ant, and kept walking.

they'd grown up two houses down from each other since they were kids and they were friends, sort of. kind of had a mutual respect thing going.

"love to see you walk away, pear!" spider called after evie and she put up her finger, digging through her mcdonalds bag and throwing her final hash brown at spider's face. he gasped as it hit him but everyone in the radius of the hash brown assault broke out in cackles.

after spotting amerie, sasha and missy in the crowd of people in the yard, evie approached them and slung her arm over amerie's neck even though the brunette was taller than her. "morning ams, where's harps?" the blonde asked in regards to their friend harper.

"no clue haven't heard from her since last week and neither have sash or missy." amerie replied.

evie looked across the yard and saw a tanned boy looking kind of clueless. the girls all stopped to admire him but evie gave him a look up and down before flicking her hair and she kept walking.

"oi there's a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell! it's called the incest map!" a redhead shouted, evie was sure she knew her name, was it rosie or something?

everyone began rushing towards the old stairwell with everyone else and she noticed amerie stopped. "ams come on!" she went back and dragged her friends alone.

they got to the stairwell and saw huge writing with everyone's name on it with different lines to different people depicting what they'd done.

evie had two lines. one on spider and one on ant, it was three blue lines which meant threesome. "oh my fucking god which one of you shitheads snitched!" she shouted at the pair of dumb fucks who looked between each other. the only person who knew about the threesome was amerie and she wouldn't have said anything to anyone, so it must've been the two idiots looking dumbfounded at each other.

"evie got double dicked by me and spider. talk about a thing for bugs!" ant exclaimed and evie swiftly turned to face him.

"shut the fuck up ant, darren gave you a wristy and you came to my house crying after because you were scared you were gay." the blonde snapped back and saw another line off of her name depicting a make out session between dusty and her. "jesus christ whoever wrote this has it out for me because i did not make out with dusty."

"yeah.. never." dusty replied and evie gave him the stink eye. she really never made out with dusty, she wouldn't do that to amerie.

"ams.. i wouldn't. you know that." the blonde muttered to her friend who swiftly exited the stairwell. "amerie!" evie sighed before following after her.

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