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I wake up in the tour bus, and I immediately panic when I think that I didn't even pack before somebody strokes my hair.
"I packed everything, don't worry beautiful." Harry whispers. I let out a sigh of relief and look out the window.
"Pretty." I whisper.
"Mm, it is. I believe we're almost in Stockholm. Ten or so minutes left." Harry replies while still stroking my hair.
"We're making a mini pitstop before our show, by the way. There's this really pretty place called Monteliusvägen just outside of Stockholm and I wanna see it."
"That's fine Haz." I mutter, playing with the drawstrings on his hoodie.
"I have a present for you when we get there, baby girl."
'Baby girl' is one of the nicknames which makes my heart flutter, and Harry saying it in his accent made it even better. I swear i went weak in the knees and if I wasn't on Harry's lap I'd have fallen over.


"Fiz, look at the sky..." Niall says while looking at the sky reflecting on the ocean. I smile.
"I could live here." He says.
"I agree. I could." I look at the sky.
I look at the scenery before turning around to see Harry on one knee with a ring box in his hands and Louis is filming.
"Felicity, I've loved you since we were twelve and now we're nearly 18. Will you be my wife and marry me?"
The whole world stops spinning as I digest what Harry's just said.
"Yes, god, yes. I'll marry you."
"And that is why I called you my ex girlfriend - now you're my fiancée."
"You scared me, Harry." I whisper, tears streaming down my face.
"I know, baby. Believe me, I scared myself too." He whispers before kissing me.


"Hey, Stockholm! Give us your loudest voice tonight, okay?!" Liam started off.
"Knock knock?" Harry says.
The crowd shout 'who's there?!'
The crowd shout 'figs who!'
"Figs the doorbell, it's not working!"
An eruption of laughter ignites from the crowd as they clap. Just when they were about to start their concert, an iPhone ringtone sounded. I look at harry as a look of panic flashes on his face.
"I'll be right back." Harry says, running offstage. I run behind the curtains, going backstage with him to find him hyperventilating in the corridor.
"Haz, love, what's wrong?" I say calmly, although my hands were shaking and my voice was wobbly.
"I'm so sorry, Fiz." He whispers, his voice shaking.
"Sorry for what?" I look at him confused as he shakes his head, tears rolling down his cheeks. As I try to think what has happened, I remember him going off to our hut with Lily a few weeks before tour started and my heart drops to my feet.
"I slept with Lily."
My breath hitches and I immediately feel like I could throw up. My mouth opens slightly as if to say something but only a small "oh" comes out.
"I'm so fucking sorry, Fiz. I- I was angry and.."
That's when I feel like I get stabbed in the heart.
"You think being angry is a good- a valid excuse to cheat on me? Fucking hell, Harry. I thought you were different. I thought you loved me. All those texts to Niall... were they even true? Or was I just a fucking pitstop to you? Because you meant the world to me. I dedicated every moment to you and then you throw it in my face and cheat on me? God, harry..." I could see the regret in his eyes, but at that point I honestly couldn't care. "You said I was your ex and then proposed to me and said that. Do you have any idea how much that fucking hurt me when you said that? I don't care if you were proposing or not, you can't ever say that." By this point, I was shouting and tears were rolling down my face. I knew if I didn't get out of there right that second I would end up punching him right in that stupid dimple that made me fall for him so I start speed walking down the dressing room towards the exit with my phone in my hand.
"Felicity, please wait." Harry calls, trying to catch up to me.
"No, harry. I'm not dealing with your pathetic excuses anymore. I feel ashamed that I got impregnated by you."
I definitely regretted saying that and I immediately turned around to see him crying - sobbing - while walking to me.
"It was a mistake, Fiz." He whispers, wiping his eyes.
"But why?"
"I was drunk and angry."
"That was before the argument. Why were you angry?"
"Because you were pregnant, and I got us in this mess."
"Oh." Is all I could manage.
"I feel so bad, Fiz. You don't know how guilty I've felt."
"Why were you crying? What was the text?"
"It was from Lily."
He shows me the notification. Lily: Harry, I've told Louis. We need to tell Fiz. You were a mistake, a drunken mistake.

Louis' POV

I'm walking backstage as I feel my phone vibrating. After Harry stormed off stage, it left us absolutely screwed. When I see the notification 'Felicity is calling', my eyebrows knit together. Surely she'd call Harry if she needed him?
"Hey, Fiz! What's up?"
"I need you, Louis. I need you. In the dressing room." she choked, she was evidently having a panic attack and my heart drops.
"Fiz, where's Harry?"
"I-" the phone gets cut off. I sprint to my dressing room to find felicity on the couch crying.
"Oh Fiz." I run over to her, shutting the door behind me and hugging her.
"Harry cheated on me with Lily- he- she cheated on you with Harry..."

That's when my stomach and heart drops. Lily cheated on me after almost four years of being together? I was filled with rage and confusion.

"Is that why harry ran off stage?" I ask.
"I think so." She replies, sniffling. I kiss her forehead to comfort her and I see her blush. I smile at that.
"I want you, Louis." She whispers, and my heart drops even more.
"But you're with harry. I'm with Lily."
"I don't care. I'm hurt and I need to forget about it. Let's have sex and get drunk."
I laugh at her newfound enthusiasm for sex and alcohol.
"If you insist."

**** SMUT WARNING ****

I slowly penetrate her, thrusting my hips forward.
"You're so tight..." I whisper, trying my best to forget about Lily. "And wet..."
"Mm..." she moans, meeting my thrusts. "Faster..."
"Of course, my love." I start thrusting slightly faster, but still cautious of the fact that she's pregnant and probably quite sensitive.
"I have a pack of beer in my fridge once we're done."
"Mmm, sounds perfect." She mutters.

I wake up to harry yanking me off of Louis. I must've fallen asleep on him and we were still joined together, so the sudden movement hurt.
"What the fuck, felicity?" He shouts, waking Louis up. Louis immediately sits up.
"Get off of her!" He shouts back, Harry looking down and immediately gently letting go of me.
"What the hell..." he whispers.
"Oh, im so sorry Harry." I say, a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "I was drunk and angry." I say, purposely using his exact words. That's when I see him go absolutely pale and I almost laugh.
"We're done." I say.
"No, Fiz. No. I'm not giving up on us that- no. We're not doing this here. Louis, can you leave please?"
"You can leave. This is my dressing room."
I nod in appreciation to Louis.


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