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Kazuha had never been a computer whiz, but she knew how to turn off a monitor; namely, mashing the power button until the screen went black and the keyboard ceased glowing.

The image didn't go away, though; it stayed burned in Kazuha's brain as Sakura sat there, face blank and eyes devoid of spark. Her posture was slumped and empty, the frenzy to check whatever she'd needed to gone; she sat in the chair, her feet preventing it from spinning as she stared into empty space.

Silence passed between the two, Kazuha too anxious to break it. See, Kazuha had never been good at feelings; she was loud, straightforward, and spoke her mind, without regard for others. But Sakura was different. She was delicate, new; something Kazuha wanted to handle with care and love. So Kazuha stayed silent, trying to figure out how to comfort Sakura without messing it up or making it about herself.

She wanted to be better for Sakura, even though the possibility of them being together edged on outrageous. Kazuha wasn't even sure if Sakura was gay. But right now, that wasn't the priority.

Sakura's well-being was.

So Kazuha bent down, her movements tentative, and placed a hand on Sakura's shoulder.

The older girl looked up, surprised upon seeing Kazuha's hand. Kazuha's face was nervous, and she bit her lip, but maintained eye contact anyway, choosing her words carefully. "Kkura-chan... I'm so sorry. I had no idea. Trust me, if I did, I would've told you. You're too good for him." Kazuha's eyes widened instantly. That hadn't been what she'd meant to say, but it appeared to have done the trick; Sakura's expression grew softer, and she sighed.

"Thank you, Zuha. I- this must be weird for you. I can go, if-"

"No!" Kazuha's sudden utterance made Sakura jump, but Kazuha shook her head anyway, relentless. "Don't go. It might be strange for you to stay here, but I promise we can stay out as much as you like. It's beautiful in Seoul, and I'll show you around. Don't go, okay? I'm here for you," Kazuha finished, stammering, the high of the outburst fading as Sakura's face grew unreadable.

But all of Kazuha's rambling meant something else to Sakura. It meant that she cared, even though Sakura had previously thought she was apathetic, unreachable; it meant that she cared enough to prioritize Sakura- a girl she had met basically a week ago- over her own brother.

It meant that she made Sakura's heart flip, if maybe just a little, at the display of affection.


And then Kazuha's chipper grin was back, her gummy smile igniting the room previously weighed down with the shadow of infidelity.

"We're gonna go see Yunjin-unnie's band."

"Yunjin has a what?"

Kazuha and Sakura were sitting at the island counter, Kazuha scarfing down onigiri while Sakura sipped on a cup of tea. A book of Japanese poetry was spread out on the counter as Sakura drank, but as Kazuha spoke, Sakura's dark eyes rose from the page to meet Kazuha's honest gaze. "Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as rude," she apologized. "I just wasn't paying attention. That sounds interesting, though. What genre does she play?"

"Pop, a little bit of rock, but pop mostly," Kazuha listed, pausing her chewing, karaage sticking out of the half-eaten onigiri. "Yunjin's on guitar and vocals. Remember Aeri from the restaurant?"

"The Japanese-Korean girl who liked that Chinese waitress?"

"Yeah, her, good memory," Kazuha said admiringly, biting at the karaage again, swallowing the juicy taste of the fried chicken. "She's on the keyboard. This other girl, Minjeong, who Yunjin and Aeri are really tight with- she's on electric guitar and backup vocals. And the last girl- you don't know her, she's Aeri and Chaewon's age- her name's Ryujin, and she's on drums."

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