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there wasn't a seat with amerie, sasha and missy so evie slumped into a chair on the end of the row. harper walked in and sat next to evie as everyone gawked at her haircut. "rocking the buzz, harps." evie nudged her friend.

"thanks ev." harper replied and she didn't even look at amerie who was calling out for her best friend.

"i am a woke women, i enjoy sex as much as the next person," woodsy began but the hall of people began laughing, evie even letting out a slight chuckle herself. "but reputation is everything and this map has jeopardised your reputations and the reputation of our school, and on the first day back."

there was a brief pause and she hoped the assembly would be done with. "we are currently in the process of contacting all the parents on everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs or gathos." everyone was objecting, groaning out and evie threw her head back in her chair, all for spider to yank back on her blonde strands.

"fuck off bug boy." the blonde snapped.

"you wanted a bit of this bug boy." he replied cockily and evie scowled at him. "turn around pear." he instructed and evie looked down into her book bag to see that she had no more hash browns to weaponise.

"unsupervised parties equals alcohol, alcohol equals poor choices. the risk-taking behaviours outlined on this map are unacceptable. hartley high prides itself on being a safe environment but this is clearly a wake up call that we are not doing enough." evie groaned as woodsy droned on.

when everyone was dismissed to class, evie followed after harper and everyone who were still talking about the map. "who would do it in the old stairwell they were bound to get caught." evie shamed, shaking her head as they walked around the yard.

when she left them for a minute, talking to missy and sasha there was a scream as a fight broke out. amerie and harper.

"what the fuck?!" evie exclaimed. she watched as harper head butted amerie and her friend fell to the floor. "oh my god why are they fighting?"

"amerie wrote the map!" someone shouted.

"you fucking bitch amerie. i told you that in secret." evie spat as she walked away from the crowd around amerie and stalked off to sit on the back of the quad to think for herself.

"will the following students please meet at classroom 5D: amerie wadia, harper mclean, sasha so, missy beckett, evie holloway, dustin reid, spencer white, anthony vaughn, darren rivers, quinn gallagher-jones, douglas piggott, malakai mitchell." woodsy finally finished and evie groaned, ignoring the call from her dad.

she got into the classroom and sat at the empty table next to the new kid whilst amerie alone, with cash soon to join her.

he was a nice kid, cash was, just hung around with the wrong people.

"eshay brah." spider mocked cash as he walked into the classroom. "how was stereo brah?" cash just flipped him off in response.

"hey." the new kid said to evie who turned to face him.

he looked better up close, big brown eyes, friendly smile.

"if you ask me if i got double dicked by ant and spider i will smash your head into this table cunt." the blonde threatened, a permanent scowl etched onto her usually soft features.

"nah i was just gonna say my names malakai.. nice to meet you too." he replied with a short chuckle.

"oh.. evie." she stuck her hand out and malakai shook it gently. he had soft skin, nice, a few callouses on his palms.

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