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evie got in to see her dad sitting on the couch looking unimpressed at his daughter who threw her bag on the floor and flopped on the couch next to him. "the school call you?" she asked, opening her packet of tim tams and shoving one of them in her mouth.

"are you.... being.... safe?" mike asked, recoiling at the question. evie groaned at his question. "i know i know i don't like asking either, we don't talk about that but i need to know you aren't gonna pop out a baby anytime soon."

"i'm being safe don't worry." evie chuckled and the two of them sat down together and watched old episodes of neighbours. they were her favourite episodes, the old reruns, they were the best ones. with little margot robbie running around before she was huge and famous.

"do me a favour." mike asked and evie sat up, half asleep. "go down to ants house and go ask his mum for a cup of sugar will ya." he nudged his daughter on the leg and she groaned again.

"fine, fine i'm going." the blonde had changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, slipping on her crocs before she exited the house. her tank top had ridden up to just above her belly button and her linen shorts were sitting low on her waist as she lit up a cigarette stolen from her dads pack.

"hows it going pear?" spider shouted sitting on the low roof of ant's garage. of course he had to be there, always was, like a bad disease.

the blonde just rolled her eyes and leaned against the garage door. "oi ant, your mum here?" evie asked, flicking out the cigarette ash into the ashtray next to spider.

"no why? you want round two?" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"har-har so funny," she flicked out the end of the cigarette towards him. "no i was wondering if my dad can borrow a cup of sugar he's had a couple beers so he can't drive and i don't wanna walk to the shop this late at night on my own." she sat on the arm of spider's chair.

"yeah let me go grab it. you want a beer?" he asked and nodded down to the cooler and pointed to the empty deck chair.

"sweet cheers mate." evie took the beer and popped the cap with her teeth, laying back in the chair. she had a soft sheen of sweat on her toned stomach because even though it was 11pm it was still hot as balls. "stop staring bug boy." she rolled her eyes.

"i'm not."

"i'm laying here with my eyes closed and i can feel you staring." the blonde opened her eye and saw spider looking right at her and then he let out a cocky grin. "you know you're not all that bad spider you just need to stop acting like such an asswipe."

"thanks pear, turns out you're more than just a nice ass and tits on an aggressive body." he replied nodding his head and taking a swig of his beer. "you coming graveyard tomorrow?"

"probably. might smash amerie's head in as well, trusted her with all my secrets and she's done all of that shit to me. it's so fucked. and what she did to everyone else." the blonde shook her head and swilled around the beer in her bottle.

"if you do can you let me know when so i can video it." ant reappeared with a cup full of sugar and a shit load of snacks in his arms. "you look hot eves, you sure you aren't here for round 2?" ant joked, putting the sugar and some tim tams on her stomach.

"pretty sure, i don't need crabs thank you very much." the blonde finished up the dregs of her beer and put the bottle next to the other empties before making her way home.

she opened the door to see her dad snoring with neighbours paused and she let out a quiet chuckle before gently waking him up to go to bed.

evie got into bed and rolled over in the duvet, sticking her hand in the packet of tim tams and putting on suits on her netflix.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now