Chapter twenty seven

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Mason soon came into the room holding hot chocolate before handing it to me. "Thanks did you.." he cut my sentence short. "Yes l added a lot of sugar l know you have a sweet tooth." I smiled he still remembered he sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh. "So about what l was talking about in the closet-" before l could finish my sentence he put a finger on my lips. "Shh we don't need to talk about that." He whispered into my ear. "But we do why were you acting strange when l asked about that other guy?"

"Because l know him.." I stayed silent for a bit. "Oh.." the room was filled with silence before he spoke up. "His my cousin.." l didnt know what to say so l didnt say a word.

"Anyways lets move on."

"No no no you cant just drop that bomb and then act like that tell me more." He sighed. "Fine...we weren't really close compared to when we were kids..he moved away at the age of fourteen and l didnt see him for a lot of years as he was in the UK. But after four years he came back he just wasnt himself..he was now a drug addict and very rude honestly, so we lost touch and l dont think he even had a problem with that." I nodded. "Well that explains some things but how did he know my families surname?"

He looked shocked at my question. "I really do not know...l never told him anything regarding that, all l told him was you were my best friend." Now l was scared how the hell did he get that information. "But lets not worry l dont think he has the balls to do anything to you. His kind of a softie he just likes to act tough." I nodded. "Okay."

"Anyways lets focus on something else.." he said putting his hand back on my thigh giving it a gentle squeeze. "Whats that?" He leaned in closer his eyes locked onto mine. "A kiss perhaps?" I nodded and he landed his lips on mine creating a rhythm that l followed. "I just cant get enough of your lips." A smile formed on my lips as l heard his sweet words. "Yours too." He continued to kiss me diving deeper into my them. "Come sit on my lap." I smirked and complied sitting on his lap. He started to kiss my neck. A soft moan escaped my mouth as he continued. After a bit he pulled me closer to his body and wrapped his arms around me and l put my arms around his neck in return.

As time flied by us in a comfortable silence l realized l have a dog l need to take care of so l quickly got off ofmason. "Mason l have to go l need to take care of max...he is home alone." He nodded understanding. "Okay let me at least drive you back though." I nodded and he got up and we went to his car. He started the engine and drove. "Stella.." he said almost in a faint whisper l looked towards him. "Yes?" I asked curiously. "Can l take you out to dinner tonight?" I thought about it but l had to prepare for a test tomorrow l sighed. "No l have a test.." he sighed. "Okay l understand focus on your studies." I nodded."Yeah maybe on Wednesday its not that far." He looked at me in the eyes for a second and smiled a bit before turning his gaze back onto the road. "Yeah sure!"

We soon made it to my house. "Bye mason."

"Bye." He gave me a quick kiss before letting me go. I exited the car closing the door behind me before he drove away as l was unlocking my door l saw someone at the corner of my eye. I turned and l got the fright of my life it was someone leaning agaisnt the wall of my house. I stumbled back a bit. "Who are you!?" I said a bit panicked l looked at him and l remembered him, the guy l met in the forest, it was him. "Well well well we meet again huh?"

"What are doing at my house!?" He stepped closer and l backed away. "I just wanted to meet my lovely Stella." He said with a wicked smile. "I know your a softie!" He chuckled. "Oh you know so much about me already but l know more...did mason tell you that?"
I slowly nodded. "Aww you caught me l am quite a softie but dont be mistaken l know mason and l know who he wouldn't want to know the things he said to me about you.." l was confused. "What do you mean how did you find my house?"

"Im a hacker l always find a way your lucky l didnt disrupt your gadgets and ask for a lot of money." He got closer to me. "Your just too pretty for that but l have your secrets aswell and l dont think mason would love them too...l will tell you...l was a bit suprised at your behaviour in the always came off as lovey dovey but you have quite a disturbing past.." l looked at him in the eye. "Don't you dare.." He chuckled. "I will spare you for now. But do me one thing if you become my partner in hacking a very dangerous group then those secrets will be safe and l will tell you masons secrets.."
I nodded. "Fine. I will do it."
"Great choice.." before l could say a word he blended into the background l sighed wondering what mason had been hiding away from me all this time. I got into the house and max ran up to me and licked my face clearly excited. "Hey boy!" I said holding onto his paws he barked and l lead him to his dog bowl. I poured some water and gave him some dog food as well he ate away l guess he was really hungry.

When he was done eating he came up to me and spun around I petted him. "Good boy!" I took a quick snack and headed back upstairs and Max followed my every step. I sat on the bed and l started to study for my test tomorrow until l heard the front door open. All of a sudden the room was filled with shouting it sounded like my mom and dad. It sounded  like an intense argument brewed but all the words were muffled. After a bit I couldnt focus on what l was doing so l checked up on what all the commotion was about. l got out my room and went downstairs to see my mom and dad shouting at each other but they stopped once they saw me. 

"Sweetie! Why are you here you should be studying."
"I couldnt focus with you guys shouting." She gulped. "Im sorry honey you can go back to your room and study." I slowly nodded not wanting to go but l did.

Later in the evening l came downstairs and l saw my mom dishing some food. "Sweetie! Come sit dinner is almost ready!" She said  with a bright smile. I nodded and sat down by the table and started to eat..

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