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evie got to the graveyard with two cases of beer and a bottle of vodka, getting straight to chatting to harper and the girls. "hey scary." malakai said as he approached them. "i'm malakai by the way." he introduced himself to harper, missy and sasha.

sasha had been kind of unbearable the last couple of days and it made evie want to gouge her eyes out, she just kept going on about herself and it was non ending.

"here comes map bitch." evie pointed out, scowling at her old friend who was walking in with darren and quinnie. "she's got new friends already, how are they not mad their names were plastered all over the map." the blonde rolled her eyes and took a swig of her beer.

malakai was stood with his arm around evie's shoulder as they spoke together. "why'd you move here?" the blonde asked.

"my mum got a new job here, so we just upped and left." he shrugged. "what about you, vi, you from here?" he asked.

"vi? cute. yeah, i was born here, lived here my whole life. you got siblings?" she asked malakai who picked up another beer.

"yeah, younger sister, you?" malakai asked, opening the beer bottle and clinking it with evie's cup of vodka redbull.

"none, my mum died giving birth to me so it's kinda always been me and my dad." she shrugged a little. "i like it just being us. we have little nights in all the time watching neighbours, eating junk food, it's nice."

"i'm sorry about your mum." malakai said solemnly, rubbing evie's arm.

"it's alright, thanks though."

the pair watched as quinnie confronted spider, the blonde walking off in a mood as evie shook her head and walked over to cash. "you good?" she asked and cash nodded. "i owe you, last time." the blonde put a fifty in his hand.

from the corner of her eye, evie caught as amerie and dusty made out, the blonde just taking a swig of her drink.

amerie came towards evie with a smile on her face and evie looked away. "evie! dusty kissed me." she exclaimed and evie rolled her eyes.

"i don't care, map bitch. you ruined my fucking reputation."

"evie i'm sorry, how many times do i have to tell you?" amerie pleaded and evie rolled her eyes.

"you haven't actually, not once. not once have you apologised to me. you know people are coming up to me asking who was better? asking me who had the biggest dick? are you fucking deluded amerie? i told you this in confidence and you betrayed me. for what? for your stupid fucking sex map?" evie was shouting by now and everyone was looking, including ant and spider who looked very intrigued.

"evie i—"

"how would you like it if i told everyone your secrets? about what you do with people? about how you think you're destined to fuck dusty even though you've barely said a word to him in the past three years? i'm done amerie!" evie shouted again, in amerie's face now.

someone put their hand on evie's back and shoved her forward someone doing the same to amerie before evie started throwing punches, knocking amerie on her ass.

as evie went to throw another punch at amerie, someone hauled her off kicking and screaming. "let me go!" she used her sharp nails to try and scratch at the arms of whoever tore her off but to no avail until both amerie and evie were both separated.

"calm down tiger." malakai had his hands on evie's shoulders as ant and spider came over.

"you got her good pear." spider clapped evie on the shoulder who glared at him, chest still puffed up as she tried to calm herself down.

amerie was surrounded by quinnie and darren as they ushered her away and evie just rolled her eyes.

"yeah fucking run away map bitch!" someone shouted and evie took a swig of malakai's beer before sitting against a tree with her head against the trunk.

after ten or so minutes everyone was over the fight and malakai and evie were sat in a comfortable silence before everyone begun shouting about the cops.

"go! go! run!" evie grabbed malakai's hand and the duo ran through the cemetery. malakai got over the gate perfectly fine on his own but ant, after helping sasha and missy over, had to hoist evie who was really feeling the vodka redbulls she'd had.

"i'll catch you, scary!" malakai shouted and evie got over with malakai there to catch her. "told ya."

"ant come on!" evie shouted for her neighbour who was in the middle of helping harper over the gate. "bye malakai! text me!" ant and evie ran off giggling down a side road and malakai chuckled, feeling a piece of paper in his back pocket with evie's number on it.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now