The First meeting

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Summer 1999

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Summer 1999

Bobby Singer didn't like visitors, it was well known he really didn't like people in general, well besides his daughter Valerie, who was the only one who could make that grumpy man smile.

The morning of June 2nd loud banging woke both Bobby and Valerie. Bobby pulled his pistol out as he slowly approached the door, "Who the hell is it!" he yells. "It's John, Bobby, '' a voice says. Bobby groans and puts his gun away, opening the door to reveal the Winchester boys. "What John '' Bobby says, clearly not happy to see his friend. "I gotta go on some hunts but can't take the boys, can you watch them while I'm away? '' John asks, and motions to the two teen boys standing next to him.

Bobby sighs and looks at the boys, "Fine, but you owe me big time Winchester '' he grumbles, "Come on boys' ' he says and steps aside so they can walk into the house. "Thanks Singer I appreciate it, bye boys be good" John says, before walking back to his car and speeding off.

Bobby closes the door and looks at the boys, "Sam, Dean wow you two have grown, how old are ya again?" he asks, "I'm 18 and Sammy's 16" Dean says. "Ok, well Sam you're the same age as Valerie'' Bobby says, "Val get down here there's someone I want you to meet!" her father shouts up the stairs.

Sam swears he felt his heart skip a beat when a young blonde girl came down the stairs. "Val, meet Sam and Dean Winchester, Winchesters Meet my daughter Valerie," he says, introducing the teens. "Hi" she says sheepishly, "Hey," the boys say in unison. "Val they're going to be staying with us all summer, can you show them to their room? '' he asks, "Of course" she smiles and motions for the boys to follow her.

The three teens made their way upstairs, "So um this will be your guy's room, there are two beds here, and my rooms down the hall, the bathroom is the last door on the right" She said. Dean walks into the room, throwing his duffel bag on one of the beds, while Sam stays in the hallway next to her. "Thanks, Valerie" he mumbles, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment, he's never been good at talking to girls. "You can call me Val, Sam" she smiles, he nods his head in response before walking into the room. "I'll let you guys get settled in, I'll be in my room if you need me, '' she says before walking down the hall to her room.

"Sammy has a crush" Dean teases his brother, "I do not!" Sam defends himself, even though his deep red cheeks give away his lie. "You better be careful, she's Bobbys daughter and you don't wanna be on his bad side" his older brother warns "But I say go for it Sam, maybe you'll finally get some" he teases before falling back on the old bed. "Thanks, Dean" he mumbles, before putting his bag down on the other bed. "I'm gonna go walk around" Sam says, his brother waves him off before closing his eyes, taking a nap.

Sam walks down the hallway, coming to a stop in front of her door, he nervously knocks on her door. Val opens the door, now out of her pajamas and into actual clothes, "Hey Sam everything ok?" she asks, "Yeah I was just wondering if maybe you'd be able to show me around the property, if-if you're not busy" he stumbles on his words a bit. "Of course" she says, Val couldn't help the butterflies that flew around her stomach when she looked at him.

He steps aside so she can follow her, she walks past him and down the stairs, he follows her. "Well let me show you my favorite place to go, my dad built it when I was a kid and my mom was still around" she leads him outside, the two walking in comfortable silence until they reach a run down tree house. "I know it looks old but it's safe I promise" she says as she climbs the stairs and motions for him to follow her. He follows after her and takes in his surroundings, the tree house was old and worn down but there were two bean bags in there and the remnants of smoked joints and empty beer bottles.

"Wow you're a bit of a rebel aren't you? '' he jokes as he sits down on one of the beaten up bean bag chairs. "It helps ease the pain of some of the stuff I see on hunts and everything, it's nice to get away from it all" she says as she takes a seat next to him. "I understand that, so Bobby forces you to hunt like my dad does," he asks. "No, he did train me but doesn't force me to go on hunts if I don't want to, I'm sorry your dad does, he sounds like an asshole" she says, which causes Sam to let out a laugh, "you're not wrong about that" he responds.

"Do you plan on hunting when you turn 18, or do you wanna do something else?" she asks, "Well I hope to go to college, I know my dad won't be happy but I don't care, he's controlled too much of my life already" Sam responds. "I hope you get that life" she says, looking over at him and smiling, "Thanks" he responds.

Present Day

"Whatcha thinking about Val" Sam asks, snapping the girl out of her daze. "Just thinking about the summer we met, I remember us sitting in my tree house talking about the future, I'm glad you got your dream" she says before going back to looking out the window watching the scenery go by. "Aw day dreaming about Sammy aren't you" Dean teases from the driver seat, she kicks his seat "Shut up" she snaps. "Hey be careful in my baby you better not have scratched the seats" Dean lectures, "yes sir" she says, saluting him in a teasing way. The three still had a long way to go, not only miles wise, but also in the hunt to find John Winchester.

 The three still had a long way to go, not only miles wise, but also in the hunt to find John Winchester

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