Everything You've Come to Expect

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Alex's POV

Like most mornings, as of late, I wake to find Jennie clinging to my body. Her pleasant, sleeping expression does little to soothe the dreams —or nightmares rather— of her attachment to me being no more than a thin, dangling thread, that will eventually be snipped away.

It's quite pathetic honestly. It's been almost two months since I've begun seeing Jennie, but I'm just as certain about things, as I was when we first met. It's as though I'm walking on eggshells with this woman. Like anything that may remotely remind her of "exclusivity" or, "let's make it official," will set her off. I can't shake it, that feeling that she's always out of reach, no matter how far or long I chase. It's jarring, and I've seen this film before, in fact, I've lived it, and I'm not sure I'll be able to bear its ending again, not this time.

As I attempt to pry away from her, she grunts and I have to stifle my laugh, as she grips me tighter. I would find it charming if her proximity didn't remind me of our lack of intimacy. Though she was in my bed, she was fully clothed (in my clothes), and our encounter was strictly pg-13, much to my dismay. She was torturing me both mentally and physically, and I thanked her for it with a goodnight kiss.

Lost to lust, I hover above her gorgeous figure, allowing my eyes to roam the barely visible sliver of her stomach. I lightly kiss her cheek, making her nose twitch. I stifle another chuckle.

My mouth traces further down her body, kissing any inch of revealed skin, from her bicep to her collarbone, then her inviting tummy. She squirms a little, and I move to blow on her earlobe. "Jennie darling," I whisper airily. She twines but slowly stretches her limbs, opening her eyelids. "Morning," I smile sluggishly, and she smirks.

"Morning," she replies cheerfully, though she's a little groggy. As I begin to lift, to give her space, she stiffly grabs both my forearms. "No, please, continue," Jennie remarks suggestively. I laugh and shake my head. "You don't know what you're starting love."

"Oh?" She says daringly. Before I can react, she pounces, pushing me helplessly onto my back, and straddling my hips. "I don't know what I'm doing?"

I casually take in her placement, observing where our bodies intersect. "No, dear, that you do," I grin wildly, "We've been here before." I lightly gesture towards our position. Her eyes widen partially, and I know she's grasped my meaning. "Assface," she comments while abruptly getting off of me. My mouth gaps. "Assface?" I laugh loudly, shocked by her insult in every way imaginable. "You heard me," Jennie hides her smile with the back of her hand, turning.

I grunt in affirmation and clutch her wrist before she escapes to the bathroom, dragging her down, and pulling her underneath me. Before she can make another snarky comment, I capture her lips. She moans into my mouth, and I echo it.

Getting ahead of myself, my hands seize her frame, holding her torso, marking her porcelain stomach, pink. She bunches up the fabric covering my chest into her fists, drawing me in deeper.
My thigh slides between her legs, grazing her core, then applying more pressure. I feel how wet she is, and I groan, firmly cupping my hard-on with my spare hand. She whimpers and breaks away from my mouth. "God," Jennie simply breathes, and I nod along. She yanks me back down to her mouth by my shirt, demanding my lips, and I can't help but smile into the kiss.

Unfortunately, we're interrupted by the ringing of my phone. "Fuck," we say in unison after separating. "Get it," Jennie instructs, seeing my hesitation. Hauling myself away from her, I sit on the edge of my bed, bringing my phone from my bedside table to my ear.

"Alex, good morning!" A familiar, perky voice blaringly announces.
"Amy?" I question, still breathless from my tussle with Red.
"Sorry, to call so early, but I have the most wonderful news!" She boasts.

After an awkward pause, feeling the itching gaze spearing my back, I mumble, "Well?"

"BBC radio would like you to fly over to perform one new song, for a live audience, next week!"

"They want us in London?" My shoulders tense, and I use my arm to hold my creasing forehead. "I know this is pretty short notice-"

"Short notice? We aren't even done the album yet," I groase.

"I know, but you have a few songs at the ready."

"Amy, you don't understand, we've only just wrapped up a few songs, none of which have been properly rehearsed," I grumble as I feel Jennie's presence slip away. I turn to stare at her back, as she locks herself in the bathroom. "I do understand Alex, but you're a professional, and this is a great opportunity to begin promoting the new album," she claims enthusiastically."And, in my opinion, you have plenty of time to get ready."

After a long moment of thought, I finally respond. "I hear you, if the rest of the band is on board, I'm there."


Jennie's POV

I clutch my shaking hands together and take a deep breath. "Jennie?" I hear Alex call from behind the door, and my teeth cut into my lip. Exhaling, I open the door. "Hey, you alright?" He asks warily, and I nearly cringe.

"Fine, just needed to piss," I say, slightly defensive, more or less rolling my eyes. Though, Alex doesn't seem to notice my passive-aggressive tone. I walk past him. "So, you heard I'll be leaving for London before the end of this week, it doesn't leave us a lot of time but-"

"But what? A week or more is nothing, have fun." I proclaim, turning away in a march. Alex trails after me, into the kitchen.

"Jennie? Wait, are you leaving?" He asks, sounding a little panicked, and very confused.
"Yeah?" I answer as if it was obvious.
"Why?" He inquires, seemingly, becoming impatient.
"Do I need a reason?" I state with a scoff.

"What? Jennie, I-" He cuts himself short, the words getting strangled in his throat, and I almost give in to look into those big, brown, puppy-dog eyes. "Just wait a bit, I was thinking you could come along?" With that, I finally snap my eyes at him, and his sullen face makes my heart pump even faster.

"To London?" I take a sharp breath. "Like I said Alex, I have a life, a job, remember?" I shake my head, dismissing my own bullshit excuses, throwing on my coat and crouching to put on my shoes. "Of course, I know that, but it won't be long, just me and you-"

"It won't be just me and you." I huff in frustration, feeling as though I'm fighting for air. "It'll be you, your band, your loud adoring fans," I ramble nonsensically, "And Amy, there's no need for me to be there," I finish pathetically.

"Amy? I told you, me and her aren't-"
"I got it! Jesus!" I exclaim, heat rising in my face, as well as my chest.
I could die of embarrassment, shame, guilt —all of the above, but that doesn't mean I'll bite my tongue.

"I don't think that, because, we aren't dating, and I don't care!" I clamour, then gasp quietly at my outburst, hiding my face in my tangled hair. "You don't care?" He repeats after a short silence, and I wait for it.

"How can you not care?" His voice progressively rises, "It's not as if we haven't been seeing each other, for the past couple of months?" He shouts, sounding both perplexed and furious. "Or have we? I'm not sure, and I suppose I'm not allowed to ask!"

I shift to face him again, matching his angry appearance. "What does that mean?" I bark.

"You know what it means," Alex challenges.

"Every time I take a step forward, you take two steps back, time, and time again," he bellows. "What are you so damn afraid of?" His words make me shudder, and shut down.

"Fuck you!" I yell unyieldedly.
"Fuck me?" He smiles painfully, shocked as well as he was... Repulsed.
As expected, I was despised, and I wanted to cry, needed to —and needed to get out of here.

Gathering all my things, I make straight for the door. "Jennie, just stop for a moment --bloody hell, we were fine just a moment earlier." He huffs, "Listen-"

As I feel him reach out for me, I dodge his hand, looking into his uneasy gaze. "No, go to London, sing your fucking music, and leave me out of it."

𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓵𝓮 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓻 . alex turnerWhere stories live. Discover now