2 || The awkward walk

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“Do you think I won’t” He replies awakening those feelings in me yet again. I didn’t know what to do yet again. I tried to keep up my confidence which seemed to shatter in front of his eyes.
आँखें तेरी कितनी हसीन
के इनका आशिक़ मैं बन गया हूँ
मुझको बसा ले इन में तू
These lyrics seemed to play in my mind on repeat.
“I just- I wasn’t sure. I wanted to confirm.” I replied stuttering. I stuttered in front of someone! Shit!
“I see.” He says.
“So..what’s up these days?” He asks breaking the awkward silence which I am glad he did.
“Nothing much. Just career and family.” I then ask him about his life to which he replies, “Pretty much the same.”
“I see-” As I reply, I hear someone shout my name.
“We are coming!” He shouts back. “By the way, do you maybe wanna hang out for a while and catch up…” He asks rather than say while scratching his ears. What a cute habit!
“Sure! I would love to catch up. We should first inform the others” I said, loving the idea of it which could be seen in the gleam of my eyes.
We went and informed others who seemed to be genuinely shocked at us going together but both of us didn’t seem to try and explain it. We then decided to go for a walk.

She asked me if I remembered her. I felt hurt for a moment and I replied “Do you think I won’t?” God! I feel so stupid. Who the hell even says that? I could feel the awkwardness in her face. It was so weird. Anyways, we should probably skip that.
I soon suggested to her that we go somewhere and catch up. I don’t even know why I felt so drawn to her. So unlike me. Well, it's for the good only. I could get to know her when I was too timid in school to even say hi to her. Good old memories. We decided to go for a walk which was by her.
                          THE WALK
The air was cold but it felt so good somehow. I rarely went on walks like this but it felt good. What a fresh and new feeling, I think taking in the fresh air.
“Where’s your house?” She asks breaking the awkward silence. “Uh- My house! Why?” I commented on her sudden and unexpected question.
She turned her face away but I could feel her cheeks on fire. What the hell Zayaan! “Well, since we came for a walk, I thought that we have to return to our houses directly and I wanted to determine whose house was closer.” She added.
“oh, my house is at …………….” I responded angry at myself. What was the need to act sheepishly?
She told me that since my house was closer, she would drop me and go towards her house. I couldn’t even protest to drop her since it was futile. By the time we reached my home, we small talked about work and the weather.
“See you at work.” She said and left.

What a day. He was taken aback when I asked him about his house. I just wanted to dig a deep hole and hide there. I shouldn’t have done that. What if he didn’t want to go to his home and instead go to another place but had to go to his home because of me? So awkward.
I got home and took a cold shower. Don’t blame me that cold showers are so addicting. It just makes me feel relaxed. I then put on All Too Well by Taylor Swift. Perfect to spend 10 minutes on therapy.
I then went to bed but couldn’t sleep as everything that happened today kept repeating in my head. It was like a movie except I was the side character who just kept on getting humiliated to make the main characters get together. Stop overthinking Ira. Let's just go to sleep.
                     The next morning
As the sun rose and everyone started their days our beloved leads didn’t start their day peacefully. While Zayaan was busy making Kaira understand not to get pressured and stop working so late at night, Samira was busy on a call with Ami while hurriedly putting on her makeup.
Our Ira had a habit of waking up late which had resulted her in reaching the office late sometimes. On the other hand, Ami(Ira’s BFF) was busy talking about the gossip of her own life. This was the routine of the bittersweet life of Ira.  
Samira left for the office and reached just in time. What a save! Now she had to start her work for the collaboration. Each company had to start with their ideas and presentation to showcase and take the collaboration one step forward. Samira being the design director had the most workload. She couldn’t help but get stressed but she knew how to cope with that. She took her coffee and started her work along with others.
Today was the start of hectic days. We are getting more and more projects and we’ve got more analysis to do. I also have the task of doing the research for the collaboration. What a day it is going to be.
As I look at the clock striking 3:07, I start to feel hungry. Just then I see Inaya bring in some snacks which call me as if they belong with me. That they sure do. I run towards my saviour; Inaya. I basically snatched the snacks from Inaya while she yelled at me. But I couldn't care less.
I then sat comfortably eating my snacks while trying to call kaira. She seems too busy. I just made her understand in the morning to not pressure herself but I stopped. Her words echo in my mind which was enough to make me stop.
“Zayaan, Don’t interfere in my work. I know what to do and what not to do. It’s getting annoying.”
Right, it feels annoying to her. I shouldn’t call her for these stupid things. Wait-stupid. It's not stupid. It was never stupid. Go and work. Stop thinking about it.

💌 Thanks for reading!! Hope you stay safe and hydrated Lovies 🌷
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