Chapter 1: Friends

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In the middle of the city of York New, there was a rather large house that stood at a location of a 3 minute walk from the main street, and a 5 minute walk from York New train station. The house was modern looking, with majority of the walls being coloured white, with some blacks and greys here and there. In the room upstairs of this house, a 12 year old boy was snuggled under his covers, hiding his face from the sunshine that escaped from the small gap between the curtains. 

*knock knock*

"Killua, are you awake?" A voice came from the other side of the closed door. They stayed quiet for a moment, waiting for an answer. "...okay, I'm coming in." The voice opened the door that lead to the room where the boy was sleeping. At the door way stood a young man with blond hair that cut to the length of his shoulders. He looked quite feminine, if someone saw him walk into the females bathroom, no one will suspect that he was a man.

"Killua, you have to wake up or you're going to be late for your first day of school," the gentleman said. He gave a little sigh after seeing that the boy named Killua didn't wake up. "...if you're late to school today, I will not allow you to eat any choco-robo for a whole month." As soon as he said this, Killua shot up, now sitting on his bed. 

"No Kurapika, you can't do that to me!" The boy said to the man who was standing by his bed.

"Well, if you don't want me to do that, you should hurry up and get ready to go to school then. I hope you are aware of what the time is," He said with another sign, looking up at the clock that was hung on the bedroom wall.

Killua looked at the clock. You could see his face going paler than what is originally was. He jumped out of his bed and started to pack his stuff into his school bag. Kurapika looked at his son and made a quiet giggle. "I'll be downstairs with Leorio. You're breakfast should be ready," he said and left the room.


Killua ran down the long spiral staircase that led to the large living room on the ground floor. "Morning Leorio, Kurapika," he said as he placed his bag down in the middle of the room. He jogged towards the kitchen and grabbed his breakfast from the kitchen counter.

"Hey sleepy head," Leorio said as Killua sat across from him on the table, "you're lunch is already made. It's sitting on the counter so don't forget to take it."

"Thanks," Killua replied. He munched on his toast and chugged his milk down his throat. "Okay, I gotta go!" He got up from his seat, grabbed his lunch and headed for the large entrance door.

"Bye kiddo," Leorio laughed as he and Kurapika watched their son put on his white and purple shoes.

"Bye!" They both heard a voice which was soon followed by the sound of the heavy door closing.

Kurapika sighed for the third time this morning. "He makes such a hustle... He should learn to wake himself up in the mornings now that he's in junior high."

Leorio laughed at Kurapika. "But I know you don't mind waking him up every morning," he smirked at his boyfriend. Kurapika made a face but couldn't talk back. It was true.


Killua had two options. Take the bus from the main road, or take the train from the station. He never liked walking, so until he makes friends that may catch the train, he was going to catch the bus.

The bus ride to school was 25 minutes, and it took him straight to the main gates of the school. The school was old. You could tell, because paints from the main building here and there had come off, and the school name written on the wall had some greens growing on it. But York New Junior High School (aka YNJH) was known for its good reputation and elite athletes that go to nationals. They were also good in academics, and many students go to smart senior high school after graduating and get good jobs. Well, this school was a school that many parents wanted their children to go to. 

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